Spring 2017 Evening with the Stars

The JCCC Astronomy Department presents From Dark Stars to LIGO: How General Relativity Shaped the Study of Gravity.

This spring, JCCC honors student Jackson Conners will explore the implications of general relativity as a theory of gravity as spacetime curvature. Topics to be examined will include black holes, gravitational waves, and the ongoing mystery of the geometry of the Universe. After Jackson’s presentation, JCCC astronomy faculty will briefly present information about the upcoming 2017 solar eclipse.

Afterward, weather permitting, several telescopes will be set up to observe the night sky at the Paul Tebbe Observatory, on the roof of CLB. Some objects of note that will be viewable are:

  • The Orion Nebula
  • The Beehive Cluster
  • Jupiter
  • The Moon

UPDATE: Due to the weather, the observing session schedule for after tonight’s talk has been cancelled. The talk will go on at 8:00pm as scheduled.

WHEN: April 29, 2017, at 8:00pm

WHERE: The Craig Auditorium, GEB 233

For more information, contact either Doug Patterson, dpatter@jccc.edu, at (913) 469-8500 x4268, or William Koch, wkoch@jccc.edu, at (913) 469-8500 x3725.