Active Minds promotes mental health education


Group works to remove the stigma of mental disorders

By Forest Lassman

For many, mental heath is something that isn’t talked about. Active Minds is a group on campus that wants to change that.

Founded in 2003, Active Minds is a nationwide organization, Michael Jones, president of the college’s chapter, said.

“It was started by a woman whose old­er brother had taken his life towards the middle of her college education. She had started it under the pretense that a lot of people who have gone through life deal­ing with mental health issues, and that a lot of people who have had treatment for mental health issues were going to start seeing [the effects] expressed differently as they’re going through their college education because it’s kind of a new en­vironment for them. It’s not something they’re necessarily used to dealing with in that environment,” Jones said. “Active Minds nationally and locally is interested in really just providing resources for stu­dents and for the community for those interested in having good mental health and being able to maintain good mental health. We are [also] interested in pro­moting a health dialogue and a progres­sive dialogue on mental health issues, particularly in making sure that mental health resources are accessible to those who need them, and that treatment is ac­cessible for those that need treatment.”

Student Jordan Gobely has found the group very helpful.

“To me it’s been a positive experience, because you get to hear other people’s stories [and] because it is raising aware­ness about mental disorders, and most of us can share our own experiences of things that we’ve struggled with over the past,” Gobely said. “We’re trying to open up the conversation with other people as well to where they’re more comfortable talking. It has been very good because pretty much everyone in this group has a different [problem] than I do.”

The group works hard to spread awareness. It talks over specific illnesses in a welcoming atmosphere and creates resource kits for those who want to learn more.

While organizations like Active Minds have worked to spread awareness, Jones still feels that many people who have mental health problems still face a stigma.

“I would actually say that [the stigma has] probably gotten a little worse, or at least changed … In the past, the idea that somebody was suffering from mental health issues could mean something as far as them not being able to be employed or them not being able to find good treat­ment

Now [with] the amount of social stig­ma that’s surrounding it, it’s almost really hard for people … to experience just being a citizen without feeling like there’s some sort of social pressure against whatever they’re dealing with, and that makes it hard for them to find treatment.”

Active Minds meets once every week, and the national website can be found at:

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