Sporting KC player to visit college Wednesday


Kim Harms

Staff reporter

The college’s Marketing Communications department is bringing Sporting Kansas City defender Chance Myers to the college on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. 31. Myers will be available for autographs and photographs. A bubble soccer match will also be taking place.

Judi Reilly is the Account Planning Coordinator for the college. Reilly explained the events planned for that afternoon.

“Anyone wanting to participate in bubble soccer should come out to the south lawn of the Regnier Center beginning at 1 p.m. and continuing until 3 p.m. Chance will arrive by 1:30 p.m. and will be available for autographs and photographs until 3 p.m. … In case of rain, we will cancel bubble soccer and move Chance’s autograph session to the Food Court in the Commons…,” said Reilly.

This year is not the first time the college has had an event involving bubble soccer and a Sporting Kansas City player. The event first took place last school year with an appearance from Seth Sinovic.

“This is the second year Marketing Communications is bringing bubble soccer to JCCC in conjunction with a Sporting KC player appearance,” said Reilly. “Everyone had a fun time with bubble soccer last year so we decided to do it again this year. Chance’s appearance on our campus is part of the partnership JCCC has with Sporting Kansas City. Other elements of that partnership include opportunities this season for our college to showcase several of our programs before matches in the Sprint Plaza outside Children’s Mercy Park. You could say we are sharing experiences –Sporting Kansas City brings a player to experience college life and our campus and we take our college to Sporting Kansas City matches so the community learns about us.”

The events on Wednesday will look similar to last year, but there are some slight changes to the games being held.

“We have added a few more bubbles for five-minute matches featuring five versus five. This should allow more students to participate. It should be a lot of fun … if the weather cooperates.  JCCC students, faculty and staff get to meet a professional soccer player and have fun watching soccer played in a little unconventional manner,” said Reilly.

To participate in Wednesday’s activities, be at the south lawn of the Regnier Center between 1p.m. and 3p.m.



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