Strengths Week activities continue through Friday

Students that attended Advice with a Slice received advice from professionals on how to find personal strengths. Everyone was welcome to free slices of pizza as well as entering for door prizes such as t-shirts and gift cards to restaurants. Photo by Katie Mazos, The Campus Ledger.

Strengths Week began Wednesday with a discussion panel along with a workshop to help students find out what their strengths are and how to use those strengths in their future careers. Strengths Week ends Friday with an ice cream social and a buy one, get one free special at Chipotle.

Crystal Stokes is one of the coordinators for Strengths Week. She went into detail about the events that take place during Strengths Week.

“It’s a week to bring awareness to the strengths assessment,” Stokes said. “The strengths assessment. Strengths assessment is a tool to helps students identify what their top strengths are or their top five talents. That was just to give students some ideas, some statistics about strengths.”

Stokes also described the Advice with a Slice panel discussion that took place in the Collaboration Center Wednesday afternoon.

“[At] the panel discussion we had employers, professors at the college,” Stokes said. “We also had students on there and one alum and all of them were giving their perspective on the difference of taking strengths and how it has changed their lives.”

Student Niko Horton is double-majoring in music education and acoustical engineering. He is currently undecided on what career path he wants to go on and he explained on how Strengths Week could benefit him.

“I’m going to a strengths workshop tomorrow,” Horton said. “[I’m hoping to learn] how to use my people skills, music skills and ability to connect with people in everyday life.”

Student Marilyn Jungo is a Graphic Design major and just like Horton, she didn’t know what career path within her major to take. She talked about how one of the strengths workshops could help her with graphic design.

“It would help a lot [with graphic design,]” Jungo said. “[If I attend a workshop] I wouldn’t have to be struggling with illustrating and design.”

Unlike Horton and Jungo, student Alyssa Bruce has chosen both her major and her career. Bruce is majoring in elementary education and wants to be a teacher, however, she still said she would attend a strengths workshop.

“If it helps my future, I would go, just to get some insight,” Bruce said. “It could help me communicate with the parents of my students.”

The final strengths workshop takes place Thursday, Oct. 6th at 1 p.m in the Career Development Career. The ice cream social is at noon on Friday, Oct. 7th in the commons. The buy one, get one free deal will take place at the Chipotle located at 9900 College Blvd. from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Students and employees must show their I.D. in order to receive the discount.



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