A look at the new Fine Arts and Design Studios building



This semester, all of the Fine Arts classes previously held in the ATB, in addition to Film and Graphic Design classes, are now in the new Fine Arts and Design Studios (FADS).

“I like it,” Nicole Slocomb, student, said. “It’s very bright and white, and it being an art building I would have expected it to be more, like, colorful and, I don’t know, some art in it, but I guess since it’s new it needs be filled with art. We have better, like, light control for art, so like, we can set different moods and shadows.”

Although classes are being held in the FADS building, there is still some work to do until it is completely finished.

“It has been frenetic up to this point,” Mark Cowardin, Fine Arts Chair, said. “A lot of things happening in a short period of time in terms of moving over the break. There’s a few things still coming, yet, but it’s getting there. As a sculptor, and a Sculpture professor, the old spaces were not quite as safe as they should be, and so we have better ventilation, we have more up-to-date, cutting edge facilities that were badly in need of updates, so I think what we’re getting outweighs any sort of stresses that are being caused by the continued construction.”

For the Campus Ledger, I’m Vincent Amiri.



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