Computing Sciences and Information Technology Division – CSIT
HCIS – Health Information Systems, MIRM – Medical Information and Revenue Management
The Health Information Technology (HIT) Career Mentorship Program is in full-swing! Mentors from local industry have been paired with current HCIS and MIRM students – conversations and networking are in-progress! (See photo below). Students and mentors are requested to meet monthly throughout the course of the semester and take advantage of the events and/or meetings of local professional organizations (Greater Kansas City HIMSS, AAPCKC, KCHIMA). A new class of mentors/mentees is planned for Spring 2020. This is a Carl Perkins funded project.
MIRM – Medical Information and Revenue Management
The following Spring 2019 MIRM graduates have successfully passed the Certified Professional Coder (CPC) credentialing exam: Rebecca Bruce, Amy Crowther, and Amber Roderick. This credential is nationally-recognized, awarded by the American Academy of Processional Coders (AAPC).
WEB – Web Development and Digital Media
Angie Reed, Spring 2019 graduate of the Web Development and Digital Media program has accepted a Search Engine Optimization position with Thruline Marketing of Overland Park, Kansas. Angie met Thruline through the spring 2019 Reverse Career Fair, organized in collaboration with the Career Service and CSIT Division. Based on her resume and portfolio she built during her time in the WDDM program, Angie received a job shadowing opportunity, which transitioned into an internship and then full-time position; a win-win for all!