Jeff Boyer Retiring

Jeff Boyer, adjunct professor of English, is planning to retire at the end of the spring semester after teaching for more than 30 years at JCCC.  Prior to JCCC, Boyer taught at Kansas State University, where he received his master’s degree, and at Fort Hays State University.  Throughout his time at JCCC, Boyer has worked for a number of different deans, program directors, and chairs — Jim Williams, Bill Lamb, Andy Anderson, Keith Geekie, and Larry Reynolds, just to name a few.  Counting his years in the Army, Boyer says that he’s been continuously in the workforce for 60 years, so it’s now time to step back and concentrate on some of his other activities.   He’s planning to return to some writing projects and continue to stay active in the “festivals, jams, get togethers, and performances” that he and his wife engage in as part of their extended Bluegrass community.

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