• Enhancing Teaching and Learning Conference             
  • Saturday, March 4, 2023 
  • Note: The conference will be remote with all sessions offered via Zoom. 

View the schedule here.

The 2023 Enhancing Teaching& Learning Conference is a Kansas City   Professional   Development   Council (KCPDC) professional development event that provides an opportunity for educators to share their successes in and out of the classroom. Through concurrent 50-minute in-person sessions, presenters are encouraged to be creative to appeal to a broad audience.

The 2023 conference will feature two keynote speakers: Dr. Meghan Bathgate, Director of Educational Program Assessment at the Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning at Yale University and Dr. Brian Beatty, Associate Professor of Instructional Technologies in the Department of Equity, Leadership Studies, and Instructional Technologies at San Francisco State University.

Proposals for the concurrent sessions should focus on one of the four tracks listed below:

  • Service-Learning Education/Comprehensive Learning– How do you provide opportunities to develop civic engagement skills?  How have you engaged students to apply their academic skills and knowledge to address the real-life needs of their community with meaningful service and critical reflection? Examples may include tutoring students/adults, giving presentations/lessons in the community, reflection activities that deepen their understanding of what is being taught.
  • Assessment of Learning/Competency Outcomes -As the paradigm of assessment in higher education shifts, identify how you have adapted (i.e. Share formative practices that have made an impact). How has your assessment – class, program, institution – been impacted over the last two years, and what are you discovering as possible solutions? This track is cross-disciplinary, formative, summative, etc.
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) -“The scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL, pronounced ‘SŌ‐TUL’ in the US) is a synthesis of teaching, learning, and research in higher education that aims to bring a scholarly lens – the curiosity, the inquiry, the rigor, the disciplinary variety – to what happens in the classroom (brick-and mortar, virtual, co-curricular, et al.)” (Nancy Chick, SoTL Guide, Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching). How have you investigated what and how students learn to develop innovative teaching practices that lead students to significant learning gains? What process did you use to assess your students’ learning and intend to disseminate it externally?
  • Faculty Leadership -How do you lead right where you are? How have you used your passion or your communication skills? When were you proactive, resilient, adaptable, or knew when to take risks? Share your academic leadership successes with other faculty to motivate them to become leaders right where they are!

Proposals should be sent via e-mail to Tom Grady, ETL Conference Chair: tgrady@kckcc.edu and include the following:

    • Your name and contact information
    • The institution you will be representing
    • Title and a 120-word summary of your proposed presentation
    • Presentation theme or track