Tag Archives: FADS

Out with the OLD, in with the NEW FADS BUILDING

I have to admit, this was a hectic, stressful move. The timeframe, the time of year, and …well…just the TIMING. But it’s slowly coming together.  Here’s a small glimpse into the last month of transitioning from ATB to the new FADS building.



The empty “old” Ceramics Studio, ATB 111.
Haunting shell of a room.
You learn skills, like removing burner systems.


Lots of stuff to organize and pack…2 1/2 weeks before Spring 2019 classes start.
About two weeks before classes started. The hallway of the old ATB Building.
FADS Ceramics studio. About a week before classes started.


Andrew Schell and Wil Installing the first show in the FADS building.


Mark Cowardin, Chair of Fine Arts, Photo and Film, installs his sculpture in the New FADS building.


Evening shot of the building.
Color starts to pop on the white walls