Day trips: the Nelson

Recognize the Day lilies at the right? They c0mprise less than 10 % of the space of one of my favorite paintings by arguably the greatest painter of the 20th century. The portrait (?) is a contemporary interpretation of a classic Greek myth in an unmistakeably midwestern rural scene – and it predates Percy Jackson the Lighting Thief by 70 years. For the complete painting and the answer scroll to the end of this post.

I mention how much space because I’m concerned about fair use, and because the pictures and images I use are generally links to other sites – I cover my assets. What images or quotes I use also

  • don’t infringe on the market
  • re-imagine, interpret or review the work
  • are for educational purpose

All of which make them fair use, but sometimes copyright law is written by the corporation who has the best lawyers and wishes to pursue litigation. I know it was legal to take the image of the shuttlecock below – but is it fair use for me to post the image?

BTW: the lilies are from my Persephone by Thomas Hart Benton – a native Kansas Citian. If anyone remembers the TV show Good Times with Jimmy Walker- the style should seem familiar. I’d like to find a student interested in art criticism and analyzing paintings – the day lilies mean something – in addition to being a familiar sight around rural farmsteads.