Facebook and Student Writing

Former colleagues used to tell me if you share content from a presentation or class before the event, it would negatively impact attendance.  That assumption ought to be tested, but posting content the day of an event won’t be a real test. 

I’m presenting  on Facebook Engagement and Writing Efficacy in Library 352 today at 2:30.    I may have too many slides on the PowerPoint, and the graphic quality may underwhelm the audience, but  I hope those that come engage in a dialogue that explores the relationship of social media with literacy and how that relationship might be mediated by native language or ethnicity.

The 2012 project TL:DR* – If students are fish, social networks are the water through which they swim.  The project showed little  to no correlation between Facebook use and writing success, except for exceptionally heavy Facebook users.  Native English Speakers with extremely high Fb engagement score a bit lower in grammar and mechanics, and Non-native English Speakers with extremely high Fb engagement seemed a bit more likely to score lower in organization.

*TL:DR = too long: didn’t read.  Internet slang for an executive summary.