- Arnold Schwarzenegger: ‘Go part-time vegetarian to protect the planet’.Conservative icon and former GOP Governor speaks out for the planet.
- Out-going EPA chief: ‘Good luck saying climate change isn’t real’ to Americans facing storms, droughts and wildfires
- Smog refugees flee Chinese cities as ‘airpocalypse’ blights half a billion
- North Pole is crazy warmer than normal
And on technology – because how can we maintain American exceptionalism, if we hobble education and technology?
- countries with the fastest internet
- Drumpf will end net neutrality (American internet speeds are about to get a lot slower).
And on healthcare health care system in the US has been the least sustainable among industrialized nations. Health crisis predict bankruptcy (need source).
- States won by Drumpf Have Highest Enrollment in Obamacare – Republican states use the ACA most, but platform is to eliminate it. Something has to give.