Evaluating sources – real vs fake (good vs crap/ craap)

Special thanks to Jessica Tipton from the JCCC Library who compiled support matrial below and shared it with me when I told her of my desire to do a better job teaching students how to evaluate sources.

She also suggested I  have students review the credibility of each source and answer a few questions about it, and    have students create an annotated bibliography to turn in before they write ther papers which include information about: 

  • How they will use their source
  • Currency of the source
  • Credibility of the author
  • References – what sources did the author use to write the article
  • Bias if there is any

She also provided this worksheet as a discussion  guide – https://www.csuchico.edu/lins/handouts/eval_websites.pdf, and warned me  that even articles from the library can be incorrect or biased so students should get in the habit of investigating every source they use.