Book of the Day

I’m a huge fan of graphic novels, but despite this fact, I’ve never been able to get into Neil Gaiman’s Sandman.  If you’re big on comic books, you are aware how grievous this sin is to most.

That being said, I can say I’ve enjoyed his novels, and the film Stardust is amazing, and today’s book of the day is Dangerous Alphabet, a collaboration with artist Gris Grimly.  The premise?  Two kids and their gazelle sneak out of the house to fight pirates while the narrative’s pacing is controlled by the alphabet.  I don’t know a better way to sell a book to you than giving that description.  If you find the clever campiness of Gaiman to be just camp (and you find that a bad thing), the book is still worth a flip-through for the art alone.  But hey, while you’re looking, check out some of our other great graphic novels!

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College