Book of the Day

Who watches the Watchmen?  Probably the store owners, unless they are the store owners.  Those clocksmiths are crafty folks.  But beyond the comic book joke, I’ll confess to thinking the folks at Swiss were up to no good when I last bought a watch and discovered it was rocking not one, but three faces.  I don’t even know what to do with them.  At all.

But it doesn’t stop with watches.  Think about your oversized, 1990 cell phone.  It answered calls.  If you were really fancy, you could see the number that was calling you.  Today, I use my cell phone to update this blog, navigate while I drive, watch the NFL Network, and listen to music.

What happened?

More importantly, why does it happen?

Behold! Simplexity:  Why Simple Things Become Complex (and how complex things can be simple), a great book by Jeffrey Kluger.  Inisght into human nature, technology, and this fast-paced, utterly frustrating world we live in where we get what we want, how we want it, and then don’t want anything to do with it.  If dealing with your complex, 3-faced watch has left you wondering where the time went, stop by the Academic Achievement Center and fill out the time management form.  Maybe it will help you make that complex life a little more simple.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College