Books of Today… Freaking Me Out

I think that today’s RSS feed revealed some of the most disturbing titles we’ve seen this year.  And the content reflects it, I’m sure.  The first eye-catcher was First Kill Your Family: Child Soldiers of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army. That’s pretty self explanatory, but kudos to whomever dreamt that title up.  Nothing drives home the horror of war like those which recruit children, and the Lord’s Resistance Army is absolutely horrifying. The book is worth checking out if you’re concerned about world events, child exploitation, or military history.

The next jolt to the senses comes from the famed New Age philosopher (should that be in quotes?), Sylvia Brown, with Psychic Healing: Healing Using the Tools of a Medium to Cure Whatever Ails You. Now, far be it from me to take on proving or disproving psychic ability, but when you’re used to seeing scholarly material fly past your eyes every day, this isn’t exactly the first thing you expect to see.  It’s an audio book, so who knows.

Some other exciting titles include Death of a Witch, Promises in Death, Terminal Freeze, and the innocent sounding The Accountant’s Story, until you see the subtitle: Inside the Violent World of the Medellin Cartel. Some winners today.  Surely one of these peaks some morbid curiosity.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College