AMATYC, the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, held its 38th Annual Conference at Jacksonville, Florida, on November 8-11, 2012.  Several JCCC math faculty contributed to the conference.

Five JCCC math faculty made presentations at the conference:

  • Beth Edmonds, associate professor of mathematics, organized the themed session “Aspects of Placement and Assessment”
  • Donna Helgeson and Kathleen Lefert, both assistant professors of mathematics, presented the poster session “Student Preparation and Studio Classrooms”
  • Theresa McChesney, associate professor of mathematics, presented the session “Teaching Probability Using Children’s Games”
  • Steven Wilson, professor of mathematics, presented two sessions.  The first, “Spent Fuel and Circuit Gain: What’s in a Log?”, was co-presented with Stephen Hayton of Minot State University.  The second, “Assessment in My Portfolio”, was part of the themed session on “Aspects of Placement and Assessment”

Three JCCC math faculty served as delegates at the AMATYC annual Delegate Assembly, Rhonda Barlow, professor of mathematics, Beth Edmonds, and Steven Wilson.  The Delegate Assembly serves as the annual meeting of the organization.

Two JCCC math faculty attended their second year as Project ACCCESS fellows, Donna Helgeson and Kathleen Lefert.  Project ACCCESS is a professional development program offered by AMATYC to roughly 20 full-time math faculty who are in the first few years of their career.  ACCCESS stands for Advancing Community College Careers: Education, Scholarship, Service.

Two JCCC math faculty are serving in leadership positions of AMATYC.  Beth Edmonds is chair of the Placement and Assessment committee, and Steven Wilson is Editing Director for the position statements of the organization.

Additionally, in the Faculty Math League contest held at each annual conference, Steven Wilson took second place.