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I left Critical Realism in 2003 (for nominalism and social constructionism) and returned to Critical Realism in the second part of 2011.

Different factors were involved in my decision to leave. Now, however, I strongly regret having done so. The interesting part, to me anyway, is that I left Critical Realism before Roy Bhaskar began publishing his reflections on metaReality (emancipation through inclusiveness). When I returned to Critical Realism, I had, independently, developed it into an approach to unity:

The Institute for Dialectical metaRealism

A Summary of Dialectical metaRealism

In Reality: An Integrative Review of Critical Realism

Here is a summary of some of my major accomplishments over the summer of 2015:

  1. I established, with a new domain, The Institute for Dialectical metaRealism.
  2. I wrote a new book, with a new domain, Marxisms and Neo-Marxisms.
  3. I added more than 300 more entries to my Multilingual Glossary. In addition, I purchased a new domain for the glossary.
  4. I also purchased a new domain for Ṣūfiyy Information Central.
  5. I purchased another domain,, for my Portal Site.
  6. Finally, I received three diplomas from Alison: Diploma in Social Work Studies, Diploma in Educational Psychology, and Diploma in Mental Health Studies.