Training Structure

This training content has been structured to be flexible and adaptable depending on your needs as a learner or facilitator. Each chapter contains:

  • Learning objectives
  • Narrative content (and links to external resources)
  • Formative practice/assessments at the lesson level
  • An end-of-chapter summative assessment

The learning objectives and their complementary summative assessment are the most crucial parts of the training. The narrative content has been included as a way to bring newcomers up to speed quickly, and to serve as a reference for those already working with OER. In reality, a variety of learning content and experiences working with OER may have adequately prepared you to complete the assessments and meet the objectives.

The learning objectives for each lesson have been derived from existing OER training materials by Kapi’olani Community College, Leeward Community College, and the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. We expect this training to grow and adapt as the needs of faculty and staff at UH change — this is a set of living documents.