Welcome to Staff Development!


Connections CREW

What does CREW stand for?
Cavaliers Reaching for Engagement & Wellness

A New Easy Approach

JCCC Connections CREW is proud to bring you a NEW AND EASIER WAY to participate in campus activities starting Spring 2020. The program has been built around FOUR KEY PILLARS – Fitness & Nutrition, Community & Social, Purpose & Career and Financial & Security. Using a SEMESTER APPROACH you’ll be able to ‘opt in’ each semester.

Look for a new CONNECTIONS CREW booklet listing key events each semester. Record your engagement goal for the semester on your card and PLAN YOUR ACTIVITIES. At the end of the semester, simply return your card (see back page) to Staff Development with your written goal, at least one completed activity in each of the four focus areas, and a description of your successes or insights.

Your engagement journey is not limited to the list of provided activities. Within each of our four key pillars, employees are always encouraged to CHOOSE THEIR OWN ACTIVITIES that coincide with personal interests.

Fitness & Nutrition
Community & Social
Purpose & Career
Financial & Security

JCCC Connections CREW Staff