Meet the 2017 Strengths Week Bloggers!

Monday, October 2nd

Understanding CliftonStrengths®

Written by Jessica Garcia. Jessica’s top 5 strengths are Strategic, Learner, Individualization, Ideation and Relator. Her post will focus on  the change from StrengthsQuest and StrengthsFinder 2.0 to CliftonStrengths and CliftonStrengths for Students.

Jessica is a Counselor in the JCCC Counseling Center.  The Counseling Center assists students in reaching their goals through educational , career and personal counseling, including comprehensive academic advising  and support of mental health initiatives.

Tuesday, October 3rd

Decisions, Decisions

Written by Mary Jean Billingsley. Mary Jean’s top 5 strengths include Individualization, Maximizer, Arranger, Communication and Empathy. Her post will focus on  how decisions are easier  when you focus on your strengths!

Mary Jean is a certified etiquette and business protocol trainer. Register for an upcoming  Workshop and learn proper business etiquette while enjoying a great dinner.

Wednesday, October 4th

Don’t Get Locked in the Basement!

Written by Jason Gray. Jason’s top 5 strengths include Individualization, Communication, Discipline, Positivity and Relator. His post will focus on balconies and basements , demonstrating how students can live in the “balcony” of their strengths and minimize time spent in the “basement”.

Jason is a professor in the Hospitality Management Division. Find Spring 2018 courses taught by him using the JCCC class search.

Thursday, October 5th

Unpopular Opinion: The Role Our Weaknesses Play

Written by Caylin Smith. Caylin’s top 5 Strengths are Empathy, Input, Strategic, Connectedness,  and Ideation. Caylin will explore what it looks like to claim our weaknesses while practicing a positive psychology philosophy like CliftonStrengths. We can still keep the focus on our strengths even when navigating our weaknesses.

Caylin is a Career Information Specialist in the Career Development Center at JCCC. To learn more about what the center has to offer, walk-in any time during  normal business hours or find tons of resources on the website!

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