Identifying Your Strengths Environment

By Jason Gray

Professor, Hospitality Management

For anyone who has gone through the Strengths Workshop and viewed any of the videos, you know that the focus is discovering your strongest, most dominant talents and putting them to use to the fullest extent. The supporting research supports that we are at our best when we are engaged in activities we are best at and enjoy doing.

If anyone is like me, as well and good and as easy as this sounds, we know there are times in which we have little to no control over our assigned responsibilities, and sometimes there are tasks we’re charged with completing that don’t mesh with our strengths. In fact, sometimes we flat out don’t like doing them. Continue reading “Identifying Your Strengths Environment”

Inclusion Meets Individualization

By Mary Jean Billingsley

Strengths Educator

He was known for his personality. He liked to meet new people — especially those who were not in the mainstream. At JCCC his favorite activity was the International Club teeming with people from all over the world.

Through the people he knew in the club, he met a student from South Korea. She came to the U.S. to go to high school, continued with her bachelor’s degree and was finishing her master’s degree.

In a leadership course, she had taken the StrengthsFinder. She liked the class and knows her Top Five Strengths: Significance, Input, Focus, Individualization and Competition. His are: Includer, Empathy, Positivity, Communication, and WOO.

She liked the way he was accepting of others and made an effort to make her feel included. He liked the way she listened to him and could see his unique qualities and his empathy for others. Soon they were spending a lot of time together.

He is a giver and can be generous to a fault with his time, sometimes leaving too little time to rejuvenate himself. He is learning to set boundaries on his time and make sure he has energy to meet his commitments.

She is learning how to keep her commitments for work balanced with the time she prefers spending just with him.

They both feel lucky they took the StrengthsFinder. It’s one more resource to help guide them in this new relationship.

Meet the Strengths Week Bloggers

Posts by JCCC faculty & staff  during Strengths Week

Tuesday, October 4th – “Inclusion Meets Individualization”

Written by Mary Jean Billingsley. Mary Jean’s Top 5 Strengths include Individualization, Maximizer, Arranger, Communication and Empathy. Her post will focus on relationships and strengths. Find out how discovering your Top 5 Strengths could lead to meeting new people!

Mary Jean is a certified etiquette and business protocol trainer. Register for her upcoming First Impressions Workshop and learn proper business etiquette while enjoying a great dinner.

Wednesday, October 5th – “Identifying our Strengths Environment”

Written by Jason Gray. Jason’s Top 5 strengths include Individualization, Communication, Discipline, Positivity and Relator. His post will challenge you to use your strengths with all kinds of tasks, even those you’d rather avoid. Jason demonstrates how strengths can help even when you’re in a bad mood!

Jason is a professor in the Hospitality Management Division. Find Spring 2017 courses taught by him using the JCCC class search.

Thursday, October 6th – “Strengths and Career Coaching”

Written by Linda Dubar and Kayla Harrity. Linda’s Top 5 Strengths are Developer, Connectedness, Intellection, Restorative, and Achiever. Kayla’s Top 5 Strengths are Learner, Input, Empathy, Intellection and Futuristic. Linda and Kayla write about utilizing strengths in their positions as Career Coaches. Discover how students are leveraging their strengths to become better employees.

Linda Dubar and Kayla Harrity are Career Coaches at JCCC. The Career Coaches work with Computer Science and Information Technology majors, assisting the students with navigating their academic programs and transition into the workplace. Find more information on the JCCC Computer Information Systems Website.

“You will excel only by maximizing your strengths, never by fixing your weaknesses.” ~ Marcus Buckingham