JCCC Strengths Week 2015, October 5th – 9th!


Find out how to discover, grow and live your strengths at the special events taking place all week long.

(All events are 11 a.m.-1 p.m. daily, unless otherwise noted)

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Monday, October 5th

Scavenger Hunt — All locations (SC, COM, CC, Courtyard, RC, CDC and OHEC)

Tuesday, October 6th

High 5 to Your Top 5 — All locations

Wednesday, October 7th

Strengths Panel Discussion — noon, GEB 233

Thursday, October 8th

Strengths Selfie Day — COM 2nd Floor

Friday, October 9th

Strengths Celebration Day (free food, gifts and prizes) — COM 319

Don’t want to wait until October?


  1. Read our most recent blog post from JCCC faculty member, Jason Gray
  2. Browse our Strengths Resources
  3. Register for a Strengths Workshop through the JCCC Career Development Center