Tip! – Canvas Discussion Checkpoints coming January 18, 2025

Starting on January 18, 2025, (previously delayed from November 16, 2024)Instructors can set multiple due dates or checkpoints for Canvas graded discussions to manage stages like initial posts and replies. This feature as a whole changes very little of the graded discussion experience and merely offers another way of creating a graded discussion. Users can continue to use Discussions as they were (without checkpoints) if desired. This feature allows for more structured participation, ensuring students meet deadlines for each required step in the discussion. 

Feature Workflow

Discussion Assign Graded Checkpoint Checkbox

To create Discussion Checkpoints, instructors must select the Graded checkbox [1] and then the Assign graded checkpoints checkbox [2] when creating or editing a discussion.

Notes: Graded Checkpoints can be added to existing graded Discussions. Additionally, the Assign graded checkpoints checkbox is disabled by default.

Discussion Checkpoint Settings

Instructors must include the possible points for the initial reply to topic [1], the number of additional replies required [2] and the possible points for additional replies [3]. All points are calculated automatically and listed as the Total Points Possible [4].

Discussion Checkpoint View in Modules

When a discussion is added to a module, students can view all due dates and the number of replies required for a discussion.

Student View Due Date LinkStudent View Due Date Link As a student, click the View Due Dates link to view all due dates on the Discussion page,

Discussion Checkpoints Due Date Tray

A Due Dates tray displays with all due dates for the initial response and additional replies.

Discussion Checkpoint Due Dates Tray Completed Status

Once checkpoints are complete, the date and time display in the Due Dates tray.

Instructor Grade Detail Tray Discussion Checkpoint ViewInstructor Grade Detail Tray Discussion Checkpoint View

In the Gradebook, discussion checkpoints display as a single item. Instructors can update a student’s grades and assignment status using the Grade Detail tray.

SpeedGrader Discussion Checkpoint ViewSpeedGrader Discussion Checkpoint View

In SpeedGrader, the individual post is highlighted [1], for easy identification. Instructors can navigate between responses using the Previous and Next Reply buttons [2]. Separate fields are provided to enter grades for both the individual response [3] and additional replies [4]. Additionally, instructors have the option to update the status for each reply field [5].

More information:

Video Introduction to Discussion Checkpoints

Discussion Checkpoints FAQ


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