Did you know, “one in three people will need to receive blood at some point in their lifetime,” (Community Blood Center handout).
JCCC students, faculty, and the community can make a difference by giving blood, Feb. 22-23, 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m, in RC 101.
“It is such an honor to [be able to] host a blood drive on campus, Cassie Jordan, manager of Student Activities and Leadership Development said. “We never know when tragedy will strike but knowing the impact these drives make can help cushion the blow.” This helps aid in hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes relief all across our country. It reminds me how [JCCC] can help support even if we are far away.”
Some important things to know before giving blood.
- Do not fast the night before or the day of your appointment.
- Get a good night’s sleep the night before your appointment.
- Bring a photo ID or donor ID card.
- Nurses/Health care professionals will pre-screen each donor before their blood is drawn.
- Allow 15-30 minutes for their appointment.
Students can schedule time to take a break between classes or at a convenient time, by clicking this link or contacting Cassie Jordan at cjorda35@jccc.edu.
Appointments are preferred; walk-ins will be accepted as capacity safely allows. Remember to bring a photo ID or donor ID card. For questions about eligibility due to travel outside the U.S., medications or medical conditions call 1.800.688.0900. To learn more about the importance of donating and to answer your questions, please visit www.savealifenow.org/coronavirus.”
“Through this event students are able to save lives across the country and promote good deeds to others,” Liz Hernandez, student senator, said. “As others will do the same, some day for you.”
Sherry Osborn, staff reporter