Cross-Lines Volunteer Opportunities

Cross-Lines is an agency in Kansas City that provides people in the area affected by poverty with services and opportunities that encourage self-confidence, meet the needs of today, and provide the tools for future self-sufficiency. Their programming spans meeting people’s basic needs such as medicine, showers, laundry, and food as well as education in regards to health and skills that can help people escape the cycle of poverty.

And of course, they always need volunteers. With so many different programs come many different opportunities for service. Whether you’re looking to help administratively or with programs like the community kitchen, the supplemental food program, the community garden, the thrift store, or helping with grounds upkeep or computer lab classes, there’s something for everybody!

To get involved fill out their online volunteer form,  or contact Sarah Kelley at or (913) 281-3388 to schedule your volunteer experience!


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