National Science Foundation- Improving Undergraduate STEM Education award #2211697
Dr. Melanie Harvey (PI) Dr. Heather Seitz (Co-PI)
October 2022-September 2026
Three major goals of this project:
- Increase the number of science courses at JCCC using course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs)Since the beginning of the grant, 14 faculty have developed new CUREs for courses across the sciences and at different levels from nonmajors to first- and second-year major courses.
- Increase the number and diversity of students engaged in scientific research at JCCC
At this point the poster symposium for Fall 2024 has expanded across two days to accommodate more than twice the number of students from last year presenting original research.
- Increase greater adoption of CURE-based learning in community college science courses in the Midwest
We hosted two regional professional development opportunities for community college science faculty on understanding the CUREs model and how to institutionalize it at home institutions. In year 4, we will host a regional conference for science faculty and administrators to promote best practices in creating and adopting CURE-based learning.