Ed Tech Center
The Educational Technology Center (ETC) located on the 3rd Floor of the Billington Library offers instructional technology support services for JCCC faculty and staff. This includes support for distance learning faculty and the Canvas learning management system.
The Ed Tech Center’s primary mission is to assist JCCC faculty in developing and incorporating instructional technologies into the curriculum.
- Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- email: edtech@jccc.edu
- Phone: 913-469-3842 (Zoom Phone Directory: EdTech)
- Location: LIB 375
Our Staff
Ed Lovitt, PhD, Director, Educational Technology and Distance Learning, elovitt@jccc.edu
Bob Epp, Sr. Analyst, repp@jccc.edu
Saul Epstein, Sr. Analyst, sepstein@jccc.edu
Jeff Kosko, Sr. Analyst, jkosko@jccc.edu
Paul McCourt, Instructional Designer, pmccourt@jccc.edu
Meredith Nelson, Ed Tech Center Lead, mnelso75@jccc.edu
April Robbs, Instructional Designer, arobbs@jccc.edu