MORE CASTING in Sculpture; week of NOV. 10

Mark Cowardin’s Bronze Casting Crew

Last week, I posted pics from Angelica Sandoval’s Aluminum Casting. This week, it’s BRONZE in Mark Cowardin’s class on NOVEMBER 10!  How do you know it’s bronze?

Preparations for BRONZE Casting
Preparations for BRONZE Casting; note the GREEN color of the flame indicates (MATERIAL/ CHEMISTRYGEEK ALERT!) that it’s Bronze.

Bronze is comprised of COPPER and TIN. Tin makes the copper harder, more durable as it was discovered many millenia ago during the Bronze Age. However,  it’s the Copper that gives the furnace flame it’s signature green hue.

The Crucible of liquid bronze is lifted from the furnace.
The Crucible of liquid bronze is lifted from the furnace.
Care has to be taken...this bronze is HOT STUFF.
Care has to be taken…this bronze is HOT STUFF.
Cowardin supervises the students carrying the crucible (above) and instructs them on how it should be poured (Below)


The Bronze pour Crew, with their teacher, Mark (far right)
The Bronze pour Crew, with their teacher, Mark Cowardin (far right)


Johnson County Community College