Photo, Film & Digital

Thanks to  Photo Professor Philip Heying, we have some recent pics from a reception  (2/12/ 17) of student work, as well as some snaps of…students working! Thanks Philip!

Barbara Sullivan and Laura Cobb looking at recent work
Mary Cleveland discusses her work at the student show reception on 2/12/17.
Students having fun processing their film
Susan and Lloyd Karnes with Denise Moore at the refreshment table
Photo Professor Doug Koch talks with student Julia Larberg about her work in the student show


This Past First Friday, JCCC Student work was invited to be shown at the Wallace Engineering Firm in KC at 18th and McGee. Special thanks to Crystal Anton (JCCC Sustainability leader) and her husband who works at Wallace Engineering, for inviting us. Congratulations to the many students whose amazing work looked GREAT in the Space!!!

Macy LaMasney’s rakued figure was near the front of the highly visible corner space.
Devon Dewey's photos were amongst the impressive photo submissions in the Student Show on First Friday at the Wallace Engineering Firm.
Devon Dewey’s photos were amongst the impressive photo submissions in the Student Show on First Friday at the Wallace Engineering Firm.

We are so proud of the Students and Staff who put this show together in such a TIGHT time frame. It looks awesome:









Older Posts:

Reception: New Work by Laura Cobb and Simon Kossoff September 25

Johnson County Community College