CPAT Information

Candidate Physical Ability Test

You can register HERE for the upcoming CPAT test through the website.

**More Information Below**

Practice Sessions

Practice sessions (open to participants) are scheduled directly following the scheduled tests (2-4 p.m.). Sessions are provided by CPAT proctors.

CPAT candidates are required to attend two timed practice sessions; however, there is a waiver form on which they can waive their right to practice when they arrive on test day.


**Please wear long pants and tennis shoes.**

**Bring a state or federal issued photo ID the date of testing.**

All participants who pass the test will be provided a certificate prior to departure the day of the test.

Test Location:

Johnson County Community College
12345 College Blvd
Overland Park, KS 66210

Main Campus GYM 003 (Gym 013 check in)

Map it!!


CPAT Pre Testing Orientation Video