Many education professors have recommended “A Teacher’s Dozen” Fourteen General, research-based Principles for Improving Higher Learning in Our Classrooms by Thomas Angelo. You can find the PDF free here.
It might be more beneficial to require students to read it than to just share it with teachers. It is a succinct and brief treatise on what we know about learning – and since learning is more efficient when students have clear reasonable goals – and when their goals fit with the instructor – maybe it should be required reading. We need to discuss active learning and how it is superior to passive learning, and how that will affect the expectations in the class.
At any rate, my students will start by finishing these metaphors
- “learning is ______________________________________”
- “teaching is to learning as ___________________ is to __________________”
Yes! I agree that knowing oneself is perhaps the most important thing in life. That's part of both comp 1 and comp 2 class goals.