I was the almost first generation to graduate college; My mom beat me by a couple years. I did benefit from hearing about her experiences, but there are tricks and truths about college that 2nd and 3rd generation college grads get that came as a surprise to me, and I learned the hard way. With that in mind, presented for your approval.
- “In Praise of the F Word.” The educational value of failing grades.
- Profs answer the question, “what is the one thing your students need to succeed?”
- Ten things you should know before setting foot in my classroom
- click also the AcademicReadiness category in this blog
- see old blog with AcademicReadiness category.
So what do you think? Straight talk or too harsh? I like clear and direct, and get confused when people don’t say what they mean, but I may be socially challenged that way.
HAHA I like this!