I dig graphic novels. I found this at the library for my son, and had to scan some of it. I hadn’t thought of the Inquiry Learning Method I’ve used as related to the Scientific Method, but I hadn’t talked…
Woman Warrior
Why haven’t I read Maxine Hong Kingston yet? Wikipedia says: The Woman Warrior has been reported by the Modern Language Association as the most commonly taught text in modern university education. It has been used in disciplines as far reaching as American literature,…
Library research
There have been some cool library research orientation guides. They are free and sharable across most platforms. Rutgers has some great animations on citing sources, avoiding inadvertent plagiarism, and the like. Library of the Living Dead the free…
Everyone hates it when you quote the dictionary
Watched Community on NBC for the first time. Set in a community college, it may offer context for discussions with students. Saw episode 311, and saw it on demand so I don’t know when it originally aired – 3rd…
using quotes in papers
Quotations – and quotation marks – mean something. In my class and in my edublogs I’ve discussed scare quotes and why quotation marks should not be used to indicate irony – or used merely to emphasize words. When instructors see…
How to cite an anthology
Go to Norton and get the MLA pdf. Find the proper instructions, they look like this, but less blurry. Instructions assume you will use a word processor and allow words to “wrap,” so let the margins determine where the line…
If you use something, cite it!
Some salty language at the end if you scroll down, but it makes a good point. Original source here.
On the relevance of Media to Composition
I always get a few students who don’t see the point of using media in a composition classroom. This always surprises me. How many people see themselves writing essays for a living? How often will we write essays in our…
Research in the news.
A new research study on composition reports An analysis of research papers written in first-year composition courses at 15 colleges reveals that many students simply copy chunks of text from the sources they cite without truly grasping the underlying argument,…
Office Door Comics
I always notice cartoons posted on the office doors of faculty, and I enjoy the people who stop at my door and read what I’ve posted. This image is from the last bit of unclaimed office debris left over from…