The Gradapocolypse/ Gradearmageddeon approaches and while cleaning my office (part of the process) and looking at how I will carry the papers, I realize it’s time to retire a well worn folder. It’s covered with thoughts on assessment and wisdom…
Don’t Judge Others by your Own Values.
I get tired of hearing people ask how many hours I teach then say, “God. I wish I only had to work 15 hours a week.” Bill Self, who coaches KU Basketball, has 40 games a year, and each game…
RateMyProfessor: Marketing, Assessment and Reliability.
A student journalist contacted me yesterday and asked about my feelings on the accuracy of feedback on a popular crowd sourced website. They approached me because I had the highest number of student evaluations (206 at this moment). My feelings…
Education – America’s key to democratic sustainability
The Founding Fathers believed that an informed voting electorate was crucial to sustaining democracy. As such they created public education to ensure that all social classes were mixed initially – and that this way a true meritocracy could develop –…