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Conference Reservation

School Name: ____________________________________________


City _______________________   State ________   Zip ________

Faculty Advisor ______________________________

Phone: (____)__________    E- Mail address:____________________

Number of delegations requested _____

Total Cost: (Number of delegations) x $50 = ______ (payments are all online

Number of students’ school will be sending __________
Delegation size will be four (4+) students. 4 students for each 4 committees, 1 additional student if on the Security Council. If you do not have a security council seat then only 4 students per delegation. If you have fewer then 4 students, you are still welcome.  Request a country that is not seated on the security council. Conference is face to face and masks are optional. Masks will be provided if students need one.

Applications received on or before Monday January 20, 2025 will have first preferences on country choices. Applications are welcome up until Wednesday March 26, 2025.

Country Preferences  (Please be inclusive with your preferences meaning request a wide range of countries. For example, if you have 3 delegations please do not only select from among the 5 veto powers) Email country preferences to 

For Payments click here!

Countries that are available have no school indicated next to them.
++next to the country indicates represented on Security Council

Albania Algeria++ Angola – 
Argentina – 


Austria –


Australia – 


Azerbaijan –  Bahamas  Bangladesh- 
Barbados  Belgium –
Benin Bolivia  Bulgaria 
Bosnia and Herzegovina Burkina Foso   Brazil
Cameroon Canada – 


Chile – 


Colombia –
Congo Costa Rica –  Cote d’Ivoire – 


Cuba –  Czech Republic –  Denmark – 
Dominica Dominican Republic


Ecuador ++ 
 Egypt  –    El Salvador –   Estonia-

Ethiopia – 
 Finland – 


Germany –  Ghana
Greece –  Grenada
Guatemala –   Guinea  Guyana++
Haiti –  Honduras  Hungary – 
India – Indonesia –


Iraq – 
Iran –  Ireland –  Israel – 
Italy –  Jamaica –  Japan ++ 
Jordan –   Kazakhstan – Kenya – 
Kuwait – 


Lebanon –  Libya-
Lithuania Luxembourg Malaysia –
Malta++  Mauritius Morocco – 
Mexico – 


Mozambique++ Mongolia- 
Netherlands – Nepal –  New Zealand – 
Nicaragua –  Niger

Nigeria – 

Norway –
Demo. People’s Republic North Korea – Pakistan –  Panama – 
Paraguay –  Peru –
Philippines – 


Poland – 
Portugal –  Qatar
Romania –  Rep. of Korea (South Korea) ++ Russian Fed ++


Rwanda  Saudi Arabia   Seychelles
Senegal –

Sierra Leone++

Singapore –  Slovenia++  – 
South Africa –  Spain –  Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines



Sudan Sweden –

Syria – 
Tanzania –  Thailand –  Togo
Trinidad and Tobago  Tunisia –  Turkey – 
Uganda –  Ukraine – 

United Arab Emirates 


United Kingdom++ 


United States++ 


Uruguay – Rockhurst Zimbabwe
Zambia –  Venezuela –   Vietnam –


Security Council updated fall 2024
(Only one delegate can be assigned.)

Algeria China – Ecuador –
France – Guyana Japan
Malta Mozambique Republic of Korea
Russia Sierra Leone Slovenia
Switzerland United Kingdom – United States –


Please contact us with any questions you may have, and we hope you will join us in April for an unforgettable experience. On behalf of JCCC, we look forward to seeing you at MKCMUN.

For Payments click here!

Contact information
Dr. Brian Wright
Box 36
Johnson County Community College
12345 College Blvd.
Overland Park, KS 66210-1299
Phone 913-469-8500 ext. 4266

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