Title: Model United Nations | Effective Term: Spring 2009 | |
Number: POLS 200 | Credit Hours: 3 | Contact Hours: 3 |
Course Type: Transfer | Lecture Hours: 3 | Lab Hours: 0 |
This course is designed for students who are interested in learning and understanding international organizations and participating in competitive intercollegiate Model United Nations. This course orients students with the history, structure and function of the United Nations and those facets of an assigned country. This orientation will assist students in their preparation for the Model United Nations (MUN) conference during the spring semester. 3 hrs lecture/wk. Note: An honors contract is available. Contact the Honors Program Office, COM 201, for more information.
Supplies: Refer to the instructor’s course syllabus for details about any supplies that may be required.
Prerequisites: NONE
Textbook(s): For information see –
Course Fees: NONE
Course Objectives:
Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:
- Define the basic concepts used in international relations and diplomatic negotiations.
- Identify and explain international organization and international cooperation as it is applied to the United Nations.
- Define and explain parliamentary procedure as practiced by the United Nations.
- Demonstrate effective research, writing, public speaking and leadership skills.
- Describe the foreign policy of a selected member state.
- Explain policy statements on given topics under discussion at the “real” United Nations.
- Discuss and debate international issues.
- Participate as delegates at Model United Nations Conferences.
- Participate in planning and directing the Metro Kansas City Model United Nations Conference for area high schools hosted by JCCC.
Content Outline & Competencies:
I. The Language of International Relations and International Organizations A. Identify and define key concepts and terms important in the vocabulary of international relations and international organizations B. Apply, as appropriate, the vocabulary of international relations and international organization to the subject matter of selected case studies II. International Organizations and the United Nations A. Identify the institutions that characterize the international system B. Explain the structure and functions of United Nations C. Discuss the principles of the United Nations D. Identify the World Trade Organization E. Identify the World Bank and International Monetary Fund F. Describe a non-governmental Organization G. Describe the activities of multinational corporations III. International Cooperation and the United Nations A. Identify complex interdependence B. Explain the concepts of regime and global governance C. Discuss types of conflict resolution D. Identify peacekeeping and international security E. Identify economic and social problems F. Discuss human rights G. Discuss problems regarding the natural environment H. Discuss arms control, limitation, and disarmament I. Discuss trade and economic development IV. Researching and Understanding the Topic Area A. Develop fundamental research techniques and critical thinking skills B. Research general background C. Explain united nations involvement D. Describe a country’s foreign policy and position on an issue V. Writing the Position Paper A. Develop a thesis B. Define concepts and terms C. Arrange sentences in an organized fashion D. Provide sufficient detail and support E. Employ correct grammar and usage VI. Understanding and Developing United Nations Resolutions A. Identify the form of the resolution B. Outline the procedures and process of resolutions VII. Participating in Public Speaking A. Communicate the significance of facts, concepts, and ideas in spoken and written English which is clear, precise, and logical B. Design and present an opening speech C. Present speech on a country’s position VIII. Understanding the Rules of Procedure A. Discuss Rules of Procedure B. Participate using Rules of Procedure IX. Model United Nations Competition A. During a given semester, the student will participate in a minimum of one intercollegiate Model United Nations Conferences B. Following an intercollegiate Model United Nations Conference, the student will evaluate performance by critiquing specific experience X. Active Learning A. Recognize and evaluate political assumptions and implications pertaining to international politics B. Synthesize and apply information to given political situations and problems C. Compare and contrast the effectiveness of various methods of conflict resolution to selected issue areas D. Synthesize knowledge about politics, including networking and bargaining, and the political factors shaping international politics E. Review the connections between the academic studies of international politics and apply to real-world issues F. Practice the art of diplomatic negotiation and mechanisms of diplomacy. XI. Developing Leadership Qualities A. List core planning and organizing goals B. Direct meetings and involve members in making decisions C. Develop coaching and training skills D. Discuss facilitating team learning E. Discuss team building, recruiting and selecting team members XII. Conference Planning and Directing A. Develop instructions for helping high school students understand the Model United Nations Simulation (MKCMUN) B. Judge quality of high school student participation at MKCMUN
Methods of Evaluation of Competencies:
Evaluation of student mastery of course competencies will be accomplished using the following methods:
Papers 30% Participation 50% Projects/Assignments 20% of grade Total 100% Grade Criteria: A = 90 - 100 % B = 80 - 89 % C = 70 - 79 % D = 60 - 69 % F = 59 or below
- Prior to travel students are required to attend preparation meetings, fundraise and participate in a Metro Kansas City Model United Nations Conference.
- Students will be required to travel to the Model United Nations Conference. Students will contribute to the cost of this experience; the amount will be determined based on fund raising efforts.
- All participants will abide by the JCCC Students Rights and Responsibilities Student Code of Conduct and the guidelines set forth by the agency being served.
- This course requires research and public speaking skills, Internet navigation and use of e-mail.
If you are a student with a disability, and if you will be requesting accommodations, it is your responsibility to contact Access Services. Access Services will recommend any appropriate accommodations to your professor and his/her director. The professor and director will identify for you which accommodations will be arranged.