Many a trip continues long after movement in time and space have ceased. —John Steinbeck
I enjoy discovering quotes. In fact, I have saved a few particularly poignant ones that I would be happy to share if you want to drop by my office. Recently, I came across this one by John Steinbeck. I’m a fan of several of Steinbeck’s books, but, interestingly, I didn’t find this in a book. It appeared in one of those little “inspirational” calendars that are very popular gifts at this time of year and for which it seems wholly appropriate.
As I was musing on the quote, it came to me that assessment is very much like a trip that continues “long after movement…have ceased.” When assessing students, the movement generated in the collecting of data on student learning has an impact on the curriculum long after the actual data collection has stopped.
With the act of analyzing the data, this movement amplifies as the very meaning of the measurement comes into play. Then the implications of the data are discerned, influencing future curriculum changes and new or reconsidered teaching plans, and, with these, continued transformation of student learning.
I have frequently referenced the major points of attending World Café as a perfect opportunity to create time and space to discuss assessment with your colleagues. These discussions also create movement long after the World Café event as faculty consider the influence on curriculum.
Now would be a good time as a department to sign up for a World Café table in January. That way you can make sure you have the time and space to continue the assessment trip with your colleagues.
Shari Barrett, Ed.D