Although I’ve lived in the Midwest for over 20 years now, my roots are still firmly placed in the Deep South, and I identify myself, when asked, as a Southerner. I was thrilled to think one of my favorite Southern foods might be featured somehow in a breakout session on assessment – grits with cheese, after all, is a southern delicacy. But, alas, “GRIT, Hope and the First Year Student” involves something far flung from my favorite dish. The presenters of this session, Kimberly Glackin, Melissa Geise, and Kristy Bishop, hail from Metropolitan Community College in Kansas City, Missouri. They are going to focus on a question that every faculty member has likely pondered: why do students seem to lack the stick-to-it-ness (or GRIT) needed to be successful? Join your colleagues on April 10 in this afternoon breakout session at the conference to learn more. Look for me: I’ll be the one in the corner munching on grits–with cheese, of Continue reading True GRIT