We Are All in the Same Boat

All of my life, I have heard the phrase, “We’re all in the same boat.” Growing up on the water in Florida gave me ample opportunity to hear it. I recently tried to track down the original quote and found references all the way back to Sophocles, so I think it is safe to say that it has been operative for quite a long time. I thought of this phrase recently in chatting with some colleagues from a community college in St. Louis. The campus is bringing a team here to JCCC in October to visit with our office and the college’s Assessment Council about assessment issues. They want to know how we are approaching assessment, what is working well, and what doesn’t work. I believe they are hoping we have a magic pill that we can share that will help them engage more of their faculty in assessment initiatives on campus. It is a conversation I have often with Continue reading We Are All in the Same Boat