The Power to Serve

By Mary Brady

I’m a heart thinker. Focusing on my Strengths influences my motivation to achieve and builds my confidence thereby empowering this timid heart thinker to take risks. I yearn to create peace and order in my environment and for those I serve. I feel powerful when I am able to support my team as a servant leader. I listen and work to promote an atmosphere where all individuals are respected and their ideas heard. I lead with the Strength, Harmony; a consensus builder. I believe positive words and actions coupled with Empathetic listening are superpowers that strengthen servant leaders. My Strengths are equally divided between relationship building themes and executing themes. The influencing theme, Maximizer, infuses my Strengths with perfection.

My executing themes add substance to my soft and sticky relationship building Strengths. Discipline, is an organizer super power. I know there is no project that I can’t break into manageable pieces and then follow it through to completion. Leveraging Harmony and Empathy with Discipline empowers me to listen with purpose to the others on my project team. I question my team members and ask, How can I help you? or Am I being too overbearing? Harmony and Empathy allow me to serve and respect those who prefer not work at my speed or with my intensity. My Consistency Strength, works hand in glove with Empathy. I rely on the Strategic thinkers to formulate our team goals but Consistency empowers me to look for fairness in our actions. I find it instinctive to question if we are serving in the best interest of the client, community or the team and are we all playing by the same rules? I leverage Harmony with Consistency to build a consensus thereby serving in the best interest of all the stakeholders.

Focusing on my Strengths empowers me to serve. I believe my relationship building Strengths creates a calm environment for my co-workers and clients. I recognize that when I utilize all my talents I have confidence that my performance is near perfect.

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