Strengths Week 2016, October 3rd – 7th

2nd Annual Strengths Week at JCCC

Find out how to discover, grow and live your strengths during special events that are planned as part of JCCC’s Strengths Week.


Your natural strengths represent the very best of you and are your greatest opportunities for success in college, career and personal life. Learn about and celebrate your strengths this week:

All Week

Strengths information available 11 a.m.-1 p.m. daily at these locations:

  • SC (Student Center, second floor)
  • COM 201 (Commons, top of the stairs)
  • CC 107 (Carlsen Center)
  • RC (Regnier Center, first floor)
  • OHEC (Olathe Health Education Center, first floor)


Advice with a Slice – Strengths Panel Discussion
Noon-1 p.m.
Collaboration Center – OCB, first floor

Strengths Workshop
3-5:30 p.m.
Career Development Center – Student Center, second floor


Strengths Workshop
1-3:30 p.m.
Career Development Center – Student Center, second floor


Ice Cream Social
Noon, COM 319


Call 913-469-3870 for more information or visit the Career Development Center online to learn more about Strengths.

Strengths at Kansas State University

Kansas State University took its first steps toward becoming a strengths-based campus when Mike Finnegan, Assistant Professor in the Staley School of Leadership Studies, piloted strengths in a 40-student section of an Introduction to Leadership Concepts course. Strengths created a “wonderful learning environment,” Mike says. “Students wanted to know more about their strengths. But beyond the Signature Theme report, we didn’t really know what else to do.”

Read more about this new initiative on the Gallup website under the Strengths Coaches’ Playbook


JCCC Strengths Week 2015, October 5th – 9th!


Find out how to discover, grow and live your strengths at the special events taking place all week long.

(All events are 11 a.m.-1 p.m. daily, unless otherwise noted)

strengths frontstrengths back











Monday, October 5th

Scavenger Hunt — All locations (SC, COM, CC, Courtyard, RC, CDC and OHEC)

Tuesday, October 6th

High 5 to Your Top 5 — All locations

Wednesday, October 7th

Strengths Panel Discussion — noon, GEB 233

Thursday, October 8th

Strengths Selfie Day — COM 2nd Floor

Friday, October 9th

Strengths Celebration Day (free food, gifts and prizes) — COM 319

Don’t want to wait until October?


  1. Read our most recent blog post from JCCC faculty member, Jason Gray
  2. Browse our Strengths Resources
  3. Register for a Strengths Workshop through the JCCC Career Development Center