Service-learning incorporates community work into the curriculum, giving students real-world learning experiences that enhance their academic learning while providing a tangible benefit for the community.
-Campus Compact
While service learning projects vary from class to class, here is a step-by-step guide for projects that require you to volunteer on-site for a predetermined number of hours.
Step 1: Review your course syllabus and discuss requirements for service learning with the course faculty. If you are completing service not required for a class decide what you hope to get out of the experience.
Step 2: Read the service learning General and Safety Guidelines.
Step 3: Find where to complete your service hours.
o If a list of agencies isn’t provided for you by your instructor, a good place to start is our community service learning site list; here you will find potential options across the KC metro area (as well as Lawrence and Topeka) that serve various populations in the community.
o If you find something that is not on the list, make sure it fits under the general guidelines
o We suggest you reach out to a few agencies and identify yourself as a student at JCCC who wishes to complete a service learning requirement. You might tell them about which course you’re in and how many hours you need. Make sure to do this as soon as possible, as many agencies need you to complete paperwork, background checks, orientations, etc.
Step 4: Once you have found where to complete your hours, fill out the Service Learning Agreement.
Step 5: Complete your service! Every time you volunteer, make sure to bring your Hours Evaluation form and have your supervisor sign off on your hours.
Email Melissa Nolan for assistance with finding a site to volunteer or if you have any additional questions!