2020-2021 Minutes

Faculty Association Meeting

Tuesday, May 11, 2021, 3:30 p.m. via Zoom


  1. Welcome
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Eve Blobaum
  • Eve is transitioning the reports to Dave Krug, the new FA Treasurer
  1. Strategic Planning: Dave Krug
  • See Dave’s email sent out today – it has a lot of details
  • Goals in final form (4 of them) Student success, DEI, employee engagement, community partnerships
  • Working on strategies this summer – faculty off contract will be paid
  • Faculty members on DEI Committee will also join strategic planning DEI strategy development
  • Dave will continue to send out updates on the fa listserv over the summer
  • There will be PDD dates in August with updates
  1. Portfolio committee: Barry Herron
  • Working on blog site, email if you want to add an example
  • Working on adding PDDs – look for those in August
  1. RTC report, masks & distancing guidelines: Michelle Riley
  • See InfoHub announcement that was just sent today
  • Jim is meeting with Dr. McCloud to clarify policy
  • Concern about following CDC guidelines
  1. OLAC and ABC report, 1st day Canvas template: Brett Cooper
  • Heather Seitz on ABC / OLAC / Testing Center
    • All faculty vote was overwhelmingly yes to adopting course definitions put forth by OLAC – 83% in favor
    • Testing center taskforce also still meeting look at options
    • ABC preparing a report for administration on faculty needs for using testing center
  • Brett on OLAC and recommendations on 1st day minimum course content in canvas
    • Admin looking to include minimum course content as part of faculty evaluations (which would need to be negotiated to include in faculty evals)
    • Faculty question how big the problem is / can we just work with the folks that are not doing what is needed / wanted? Can chairs look through their faculty’s canvas sections before the semester begins?
    • Complaints about faculty not having contents in Canvas at start of the semester. Seems to be a smaller number of folks that have this issue.
    • OLAC creating a list of “suggested minimum content” for day 1 of classes. Telling students to contact course instructor first.
  1. Will there ever be FA parties again? Update
  • Probably shouldn’t be encouraging behavior off campus that the FA is trying to prevent on campus
  • Don’t want our first party back to be a dud
  • Waiting until December allows social committee to put together a good party
  • Floating possibly an on-campus collab with administration for a campus party
  • Erring on the side of safety for the first party back
  1. Negotiations Team – report *
  • Reached a tentative agreement on Friday afternoon
    • 3 year agreement to discuss today
    • vote on it is coming up
    • new contract starts July 1st (but summer contracts are based on the last MA)
  • Addendums I and II
    • Getting rid of positions that are no longer part of the bargaining unit; cleaned up titles so they are consistent with what we have; listing all the possible titles and the total number of bargaining unit members; listing positions that will not be part of the bargaining unit once the current holder leaves
  • FA President release time
    • altering language to make the request a formal process with a required written response
  • Peer Review
    • adding language that requires the peer review summative report will be attached to the 3rd year report / evaluation and placed in the HR file
  • Sabbatical Leave presentations
    • revised language so that one gives a presentation organized by the Faculty Development Office
  • Salaries & New Salary Table
    • New table found here  http://blogs.jccc.edu/fa/files/2021/05/Faculty-Salary-Tables-.pdf
    • Salary study
      • Based on peer institutions
      • Found that top categories are not keeping up with market / are below peers
      • Found that folks with more experience are not at par w other institutions
      • Found that we had too many steps
      • Recommended we go to something with a same percent increase at every level
    • Transitioning to new salary table
      • 21-22 Placement on table is such that no faculty member will have a lower base salary. Placed on new table so your salary is the same or more than it is currently
      • 21-22 Then everyone gets 1.5% increase after step placement in (the average increase is 2.6%)
      • In 2022-23 increase salary table amounts by 1.6% & folks in specialist and doctorate category go up 1-step (to fix the problem noted by the salary study of the inequities between the market rates and what specialist and doctoral categories make at JCCC & it ensures that folks later in their careers also get an increase)
      • In 23-24 all go up 1 level, and salary table amounts go up 0.5%
      • Future steps on scale are negotiated as to whether people “move a step”
      • Moving forward will want to negotiate a full step for everyone for each year
    • Overload pay, adjunct pay
      • Increased by the average 2.6, 2.5 and 2.75 each year, respectively
    • Benefits
      • 50/50 split of benefits costs for group 1
      • Next year the increase is basically $0
      • Don’t know about future years—no way of predicting it
      • Past average has been 4-6%
    • Tuition assistance benefits
      • for faculty who want to take credit courses at other institutions
      • 50% of out of pocket tuition and fees up to $1000 per semester, up to $3000 per year
      • Must be beneficial to college and approved by Dean
      • Must stay at college for 1 year after receiving benefits
    • VERB
      • Admin must tell faculty 12 months in advance if the VERB is going away
      • Creation of Chef Apprentice Coordinator to ensure that culinary faculty have supports for their programs (faculty will still teach the courses and assign grades)
    • Student research projects / faculty supervising student research or working with student researchers
      • will now use special projects funding for independent research and related things that take additional time
    • Parental leave
      • Not much progress made
    • Performance evaluation
      • Deans and supervisors need more training on how to use the form
      • It was communicated to them that they can change the form, but they cannot implement the form without negotiating it with the FA
      • If your dean or supervisor begins to use a new form – TELL THE FA PRESIDENT
    • Workload factors
      • Admin had no interest in changing workload factors this time around
    • 10 and 12-month faculty
      • Not much traction, but the new salary tables did make some adjustments for some of the concerns expressed
    • MFAs in specialist category
      • Other schools place MFAs in same category as JDs – JCCC does not
      • MFA is a terminal degree with a substantial number of graduate credits
      • Admin team was not interested in moving MFAs at this time
      • Door has been opened for future conversations.
  1. Adjournment



FA Meeting Minutes

Faculty Association, Thursday, March 18, 2021, 3:30 p.m. via Zoom


  1. Welcome
  2. Treasurer’s Report: Eve Blobaum
  3. NEA Higher Ed update: Brett Cooper
    • KNEA HE symposium, NEA HE Conferenace, NEA Leadership Summit
      • Legal update, database/research tools, organizing
      • NEA is more than just a union, it is a professional development organization
        • Early Career Learning Labs (ECLL) https://www.nea.org/professional-excellence/professional-learning/teachers/learning-labs
        • Teacher Leadership Institute (TLI) https://www.teacherleadershipinstitute.org/?_ga=2.10692850.730574708.1616107076-1395681368.1615335791
        • Early Leadership Institute (ELI) https://www.nea.org/professional-excellence/professional-learning/resources/early-leadership-institute-eli
        • Great Public Schools (GPS) grants https://www.nea.org/resource-library/great-public-schools-fund-gps-fund-grant-application-process
  4. Negotiations and Research teams: Dennis Arjo and Brett Cooper
  • First session this morning after two days of training this week
  • IBB is being used – more collaborative than traditional bargaining
    • Do not propose changes to the contract
    • Instead present problems and process solutions
  • Both sides have presented issues – 16 total
    • Salary and benefits, shared governance, etc.
  • Next meeting March 29 1:00-5:00
  • Process focused
  • Issues were enumerated (copy list here)
  • Admin side says we have too many issues but will ask board for permission to negotiate all of them.
  1. ABC report: Dennis Arjo
  • Has not met since spring break
  • Task force to look at testing center issue has been formed
  • 4 reps on strategic planning are from ABC – regular reporting will begin
  • Strategic plan task force has begun meeting.
    • Still at the forest rather than the trees level
    • Very functional committee
    • Plan should be ready by end of semester, but may have more work to do in the fall
    • Worked on setting goals this week – not sure when they will be ready to share
    • Interesting that negotiations are partially based on strategic plan
  1. Collegial Steering: Diane Davis
  • Met Tues. March 16
  • Musil wanted to discuss DEI
  • Concerns about lower enrollment
  • Will meet again in April
  1. OLAC report: Barry Bailey
  • March 3 last meeting
  • Roles within Canvas have been updated
  • Course definitions subcommittee
    • Faculty will reach out to admins to see what student issues are
    • Hugh met with student senate – none knew document existed
    • Subcommittee is going beyond the parameters Mickey set
  • Learning mastery gradebook
    • Is Sheri talking about Student view or instructor view?
  • Course Quality
    • FERPA issues
    • Do chairs have time to look at courses?
    • IDC has a list of things they would like to see – committee has tabled the issue will take up a lot of the next meeting
  • Possible by-laws change to make OLAC meeting time more flexible
  • DEI rubric for evaluating online courses has been passed on from Tai
  1.   RTC report: Michelle Riley
  • No details on the vaccine plan – maybe next week
  • April 5 – offices staffed across campus
  • Mask and distancing will remain the policy on campus
  • Max group meeting is currently 30
  1. President’s Updates— Jim Leiker
  • sabbatical reports – meeting with Mickey on 3/26. LQ is going away so new reporting method needs to be negotiated
  • faculty as supervisors – another CC in KS questioned if someone should be a member of the bargaining unit.  Jim worked with Leslie.  12-13 positions reviewed, 5 determined to be AMS.  Those bargaining unit members are being given option to move or stay.
  • pending legislative House bills – HB 2411 gives board of trustees the right to determine bargaining unit representatives. HB 2058 extends concealed carry to 18 y/o.  HB 2354 is now dead – to eliminate payroll deduction.
  1. recommendations for 2021 Political Action Committee and Recommendation Committee
  • Rumor – Jerry Cook is not running again and Angelina Lawson is not running.
  • Gives opportunity to flip the board
  • PAC has acted in Sept/Oct to interview candidates and make recommendations – keep this
  • Proposing new PAC to actively recruit candidates starting now – Melanie, Brian, and Brett
  • Recommendation group needs to stay neutral – Diane, Terri
  • Please contact Jim if you are interested in joining either of these groups
  1. Announcement: election of 2021-22 officers
  • A call for nominations went out
  • Jim Leiker will likely run for President
  • Brett Cooper is running for Vice President
  1. Adjournment


Faculty Association, Thursday, Nov. 12, 2020, 3:30 p.m. via Zoom


  1. Welcome
  2. Report: FA Treasurer (Eve Blobaum)

No expenses due to the way the dates of the meetings fell.  KNEA payment has not yet processed.  Some Enchanted Opportunity donation has not yet gone through

  1. Update: calendar committee & 7-week winterim proposal (Eve Blobaum)

KBOR is trying to align all Spring Breaks.  This used to be the case but is no longer.  This proposal would go against that movement, because the 7 week proposal eliminates Spring Break.

  1. Report: OLAC, new course designations & digital proctoring task force (Terri                                            Easley-Giraldo)

FERPA/Canvas: a document with recommended user roles and how to share course content with others is coming – dependent on Canvas update in December

Digital Proctoring Taskforce: formed to see if there are needs not being met.  Ed will chair.  Will have divisional reps (OLAC rep mostly), student rep, TC rep.

Course Delivery: all divisions have reps plus several non-voting members.  Digital proctoring was discussed last year.  Online Hybrid definition was new and causing confusion.  Statement from Mickey delineated that “online” means fully online – although digital proctoring was allowed (notes below).  No objections about were raised at the time (September OLAC meeting).  A statement from the Math Department was read (notes below) against the definitions – focusing on digital proctoring concerns. Lively discussion ensued.  Discussion of creating department/divisional level testing collectives are beginning.

Statement read by Rhonda Barlow for the Math Department:

I want to make clear that I am representing the math department and not myself.

We have had some informal discussions on how to better serve our students with the new online definitions including the no on site proctoring being allowed.

The first thing I want to point out is on the May 6th 2020 minutes for OLAC.  The bottom of page 2 and top of page 3 talks about digital proctoring options for online exams due to the testing center being closed because of COVID.

It also says OLAC will be discussing the definitions to make a more permanent recommendation for those in the fall.

Going to the September 2nd 2020 minutes bottom of page 2 and most of page 3 it talks about clarification for the hybrids since those are new and students/faculty might still have some confusion.  (Ya think?)

Another paragraph states to have a more firm delineation for students between concepts of online and hybrid it was discussed if students come to campus for exams. Online proctoring was being “looked at” to make online proctoring more effective.

Move now to the minutes of the October 7th minutes from OLAC page 2 says there is now a video live on the course delivery methods for students to “explore” options.

Nowhere did I see someone move nor was there a second or a vote of any kind recorded in these minutes to the approval of these changes.

A few more questions I have is this.

Did OLAC meet over the summer and work on these definitions?

When did OLAC send their recommendations to IDC?

Was this sent to IDC and when did they vote and discuss these definitions?

I want to make it very clear that digital proctoring will NOT work for the math department students in any way, shape or form.

Does the English department want Turnitin removed?  Would that work for their students or them?  This is exactly what is being done to math, science and business.

Are we going to ignore Access and equity issues:

Video proctoring requires a good webcam and maybe two cameras, good internet,

privacy concerns with video proctoring in their home, and evidence that video proctoring tools flag dark-skinned students as suspicious more often than non-dark-skinned students

As Gina Egan pointed out online students enroll in those classes because of a busy schedule and giving them a window of several days to come in and take exams when it fits their schedule has been the key to the success of those students and courses.

Again, it isn’t about me setting a time for them to come in, I can do that.  It’s about making it convenient for them.  Meeting their needs.

AccuCampus which was not designed for a proctored testing center has put extreme limitations on how on campus testing is supposed to work.  Are we supposed to bend to a piece of software that wasn’t designed for what we are using it for?


Statement from Dr. McCloud to OLAC referred to byTerri Easley-Giraldo

I asked Mickey to write something I could share with OLAC when we got to the proctoring discussion for online courses in our course delivery methods discussion for our Sept (9/2) meeting since he was unable to attend.  He sent the following which I read during our OLAC meeting:

“There needs to be a more firm delineation for students between concepts of online and hybrid, which has prompted much work around really strengthening and tightening our definitions. That leads to proctoring being a key limiter between the two concepts. If you want students to come in for exams you are introducing a face-to-face requirement, making the course a hybrid. With all of the issues around testing in the last few years, we also now have an additional barrier to proctoring for hybrid courses, as the limits on the number of people who can even get scheduled for an exam in the testing center is really low. That said, we are asking that instructors who require face-to-face proctoring set aside time to come in and host and proctor their own exams. Please save the few available spaces in the testing center for folks with accommodations and special needs, so that we can meet those students where they need us most and not hold u your assessments for weeks on end waiting for spots in the testing center when we aren’t certain that we can even get them in. Know that we are working diligently on some digital proctoring options that will allow us more flexibility, and Ed Tech is partnering with the Testing Center and with a statewide committee through KBOR to find options that will make proctoring at a distance more effective and should help unblock the logjam that we are faced with. It’s not perfect, but we are doing everything that we can to build a better structure to support the work that we are doing today.”

  1. Report: Strategic Planning task force

First meeting last Friday.  It will be a long process.  Starting with survey that was sent out a couple weeks ago.

  1. Report: Academic Branch Council (Heather Seitz)
  2. Report: Collegial Steering (Diane Davis)

Met Tuesday, Nov. 10.  The agenda was light.  Discussed the future of the committee.  Dr. Bowne suggested focusing on bigger picture issues.  It will continue through the spring semester.

  1. Report: Negotiations (Melanie Harvey)

Research Team sent out survey Tuesday.  Had presentation on IBB from federal mediator.  Dennis and Melanie met with Bowne and Centilever to discuss IBB.  This could change culture towards shared governance.  Decision has not yet been made, but FA NT preference is IBB.

  1. Update request for delegates for KNEA representative assembly, Topeka, January & April (Brett Cooper)

Still looking for delegates.  We are allowed 10.

  1. President’s report: request for representatives on Peer Review Council

Need a couple of reps.  – Business, CSIT, and CTE.

  1. Update: Juneteenth Committee

Survey results will be release Dec. 4.

  1. Report: Return to Campus/faculty responsibilities in health reporting (Michelle Riley)

Faculty will not be a part of the reporting structure moving forward – ERT is taking care of it.  Self-temperature check scanners have been installed near building entrances.  Make sure you follow social distancing guidelines for on-the-ground classes.

  1. Discussion: scheduling for fall 2021

Admin wants more f-2-f classes, but not mandated.  Decisions made at department level for pedagogical reasons.  Worries about equity about who returns to work.

  1. Discussion: academic proctoring
  2. adjournment

Faculty Association, Thursday, Oct. 8, 2020, 3:30 p.m. via Zoom


  1. Welcome
  2. Report: FA Treasurer (Eve Blobaum)

KNEA has not yet pulled dues payment

Donation to Counselors Hardship Fund has been made

  1. Report: OLAC (Terri Easley-Giraldo)

Course delivery methods: new descriptions are now live on web

Faculty demo of PackBack – discussion tool Oct. 21, 1:00p.m. via Zoom email Terri for link

FERPA – recommendations coming for spring with respect to Canvas Roles.  Observer role is generally safe.  Sharing content is best via a source course

  1. Report: Academic Branch Council (Heather Seitz)

Next meeting Oct. 12 at 3:00p.m.  Meetings are recorded.  Minutes available on Infohub and Canvas

Nominations to Strategic Planning Taskforce: Charlie Randazzo, Michelle Riley, David Krug, Tracey Bladell

Inviting divisional reresentatives procedure coming soon

ABC has not been invited to Collegial Steering

  1. Report: Collegial Steering (Diane Davis)

Met Oct. 6 (2 fa reps, 2 EA, Mickey, Snyder, Musil, Bowne)

May not continue into the future – administration thinks it’s redundant with the new College Council

FA advocated for ABC to be invited

Next meeting November

FA believes Collegial Steering should continue

  1. FA President’s Report: College Council & HR

Goal is to have first College Council meeting before Thanksgiving

10 seats of which 3 are faculty (FA, Adjunct, at-large)

HR doing search for Becky Centlever’s replacement – will FA have rep on committee.  Admin selected a faculty rep – not an FA member (met diversity/inclusion goal).  Should have gone through FA or ABC.

  1. Report: Return to Campus/faculty responsibilities in health reporting (Michelle Riley)

Concerns among faculty about COVID reporting – began in summer teach-out

KNEA legal opinion has been requested.

We are not covered by HIPAA, so we can ask about COVID status

Time and faculty workload is also a concern – faculty are being asked to be college’s point of contact to follow up with students.

RTC team believes students will be more open with faculty since we already have a relationship with them.  Other schools have others contact students so students are more comfortable divulging private information.

After faculty report, they are being asked to get follow-up information which is inefficient.

This may be a resource issue with Emergency Management Team

  1. Discussion: calendar committee/strategic enrollment team (Jim Lane)

Looking at expanding 7 week sections to beyond fall and spring.  Giving 6 terms within the academic year.  This could give 1 year pathway to graduation.  Winterim could be full term.  Dean, ABC, and Calendar committee have a grid of what it will look like.  This is exploratory phase to see if there is interest in pursuing this.  This would impact contract.  15 week courses would continue.  This would just be a new option.

Calendar Committee>>ABC>>IDC>>CAO>>Cabinet>>Trustess>>Negotiations

More questions/comments about the calendar options. Eve compiled them to bring to the calendar committee. Please send additional items to Eve (FA rep on calendar committee), to your ABC representative, to your Dean, or your department chair—whichever is most comfortable for you. Eve is happy to compile anything she receives.

  1. Discussion: Some Enchanted Opportunity (Jim Leiker & Eve Blobaum)

Jim proposed that the FA make a $3000 donation to Some Enchanted Opportunity, to be designated for the Student Basic Needs Center. Ron made a formal motion, Eve seconded. Comments were favorable. Jim called the question, and the motion was passed.

  1. Update: Juneteenth Committee

Jim gave an update on the continuing Juneteenth discussion. The town hall seemed to suggest the broadest support for some kind of day of service or educational opportunities supported by the College. The Juneteenth committee will be making a recommendation to ??? .

  1. Update: Negotiations & Research teams (Dennis Arjo and Eve Blobaum)

Melanie provided a brief negotiations update. Please be watching for the FA negotiations survey, coming out soon.

  1. Announcements: Distinguished Service Award apps due Oct. 15

request for delegates for KNEA Representative Assembly                                                     (RA), Topeka, April 17-18

The FA can send 10 delegates to the KNEA representative assembly. This is usually held in Topeka but will likely be virtual for 2021. Dates are April 17-18, 2021. We are looking for volunteers, but if we don’t get enough, Jim will approach people.

  1. adjournment: 4:48 p.m.


Faculty Association, Thursday, Sept. 10, 2020, 3:30 p.m. via Zoom


  1. welcome to Pres. Andy Bowne, Q & A
    1. Return to phase 1? Nothing indicating going back right now.  Current safeguards are working right now.  IRT is looking at how to do it if necessary – preventive planning.
    2. May see bump in cases after Labor Day and schools opening. Watching numbers 4-6 weeks.  Cases are not spreading on campus.
    3. Vision for campus wide shared gov- ways away from knowing what it will look like. Cabinet is discussing but realizes it needs to be broader discussion. Perhaps another task force. Current recommendations need to be fleshed out.
    4. Flu shots will be available on campus this year
    5. Bowne pronounced like downtown
    6. How much time/energy is spent on COVID versus larger initiatives for moving the school forward? Hard to put a number on it.  COVID is permeating everything. Beginning strategic planning and SWAT discussions.
    7. What (aside from COVID) is top priority – shared governance and effective listening and valuing
    8. What benchmarks are being considered for DEI? The taskforce should help with that.   Does leadership structure promote DEI?  Need to consider student success as well.
  2. Report & Discussion: spring 2020 student survey results (Natalie Alleman Beyers, Michelle Salvato, Jessica Garcia)
    1. This has been a national conversation. Task force created to develop student survey.  12% response rate (over 2000 students).
    2. Natalie Alleman Byers presented results from the COVID-19 transition survey of students. Interpretation of data and, especially, verbatim comments, was discussed. It was suggested that IR could provide caution/context in how to interpret qualitative data when presenting/sharing these results. It was also suggested that continued research would be valuable.
  3. Update: FERPA & student consent forms (Melanie Harvey)
    1. Melanie Harvey presented a draft of a form letter for students to complete if they are requesting a recommendation. Circumstances under which to use the letter were discussed. Ideally, this would be standard practice, but at this time there is no discussion of making it required. It was emphasized that this is to protect faculty, and we initiated this process.
  4. Report: OLAC (Terri Easley-Giraldo)
    1. Terri Easley-Giraldo gave an update from OLAC covering course delivery method definitions (especially for online hybrid) and the need for online proctoring solutions. Online courses should not require ANY f2f activities or assessments. In addition, OLAC will be providing guidance on FERPA and online/Canvas, including adding non-enrolled people to the course and what role to use. The online course observation form is being rolled out and is intended as a guide for a conversation, NOT a “check the boxes” form. Terri recommended San Geseno College’s website for a good model of course modality definitions. See https://www.sanjac.edu/ and https://www.sanjac.edu/my-way.


  1. Update: Juneteenth Committee (Tai Edwards) (report is available in Canvas)
  2. Update: Negotiations & Research teams (Dennis Arjo and Eve Blobaum)
  • Dennis Arjo and Eve Blobaum provided an update on negotiations and negotiations research. Negotiations team is keeping an eye out for information on who will represent administration. Research team is tentatively planning to send a survey to the BU on or around October 5.
  1. Report & Discussion: Academic Branch Council & Return to Campus committees   (Heather Seitz & Tonia Hughes)
  2. Discussion: Some Enchanted Opportunity
  • Jim Leiker solicited feedback from the group on how to handle “Some Enchanted Opportunity” this year. Any funds we donate can be ear-marked for scholarships or student basic needs. Jim and Eve will put together a proposal/recommendation for vote in our October membership meeting.
  1. Announcements: ABC representation & Non-JCCC Google list
  • If you would like to be added to the Google distribution list used for political communications, please send a non-JCCC email address to Melanie Harvey at mharve14@jccc.edu. The list is used for endorsements and other discussions/information that are not appropriate on college email and other college-owned systems and resources.
  • Collegial Steering has been revived and will resume regular meetings.
  • Jim Leiker shared that he has been attending ABC meetings and would like to continue as the designated FA representative. There were no objections raised.
  1. adjournment
  • The meeting was adjourned at 5:12 PM.

Next meeting: Thursday, Oct. 8, 3:30, second Thursday of month


Faculty Association, Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2020, 3:30 p.m. via Zoom

  1. welcome to new and returning members
  2. Report: Treasurer (Eve Blobaum)
  • Report for the summer has been posted in Canvas.  Dues drawn from KNEA varies over the summer due to retirements
  1. Report: Academic Branch Council (Tonia Hughes & Heather Seitz)
  • Over summer, interim membership was established based on branch-wide committees.  Division representation has not yet been achieved.  Canvas community has been set up including by-laws and FAQ is coming.  Issues brought to ABC: adjunct compensation for iTeach, counselors return to campus, lack of faculty representation on RTC taskforce.  Heather Seitz now on RTC representing faculty concerns.  Dennis Arjo named to HLC group.  Tonia Hughes now on KOPS Advisory Committee.  abc@jccc.edu
  1. Report: Ed Affairs (Aaron Prater)
  • EA has not met this academic year yet.  IRT and RTC added statement regarding COVID sent to Theresa and Aaron.
  1. Report: NEA Higher Education initiatives (Deb Williams)
  • Deb now on National Council of HE for NEA.  Updating publications focused on HE.  Enrollment numbers in conversation nationally
  1. Report: HR committee (Jim Leiker)

Juneteenth/paid holiday study

  • HR committee put together to see how to celebrate Juneteenth on campus.  Possibility of it becoming a paid holiday.  Tai Edwards faculty rep on this committee.  Could be a service day.

ADA & Covid-19

  • FA has been mediating issues between HR and faculty regarding return to campus.

FERPA/student consent forms

  • FA asked HR and referred to Leslie Quinn to get standard FERPA release form from students asking for letters of recommendation.  Working on it.
  1. Update: FERPA awareness in new online teaching environment (Dennis Arjo & Melanie Harvey)
  2. Update: negotiation and research teams (Dennis, Melanie, Eve Blobaum,             Brett Cooper)

NT: Dennis Arjo, Melanie Harvey, Dave Davis, Alicia Bredehoeft, Tonia Hughes

  • Began meeting regularly.  Reviewed past faculty surveys.  State mandated training will happen at our next meeting.  Forward issues of interest to Melanie or Dennis

RT: Eve Blobaum, Brett Cooper, Andrea Vieux, Rhonda Barlow

  •             Updating faculty survey
  1. Update: student & faculty surveys re. COVID adjustments
  • Farrell: 17000 on June 24th spring students.  Themes ID’d from IR: need for quick responses, refunds, faculty tech/training and office hours.  Stress of transition effected their coursework.  About 2000 students responded.  All results will be on InfoHub by the end of the week.  Faculty report due out next week.
  • ABC and RT should take a close look at these survey results
  1. Discussion: donation in lieu of beginning-of-year party
  • Counselors’ Hardship Fund (faculty based) was donated to in May.  Basic Needs Center is also a worthy organization (administration based).  Samira moved: $500 to Counselors’ Hardship Fund, seconded by Eve.  Motion passed.
  • Social Committee is working on mid=semester get-together.
  1. Report & Discussion: counselors’ return to campus
  • Alex Wells: Shared gov issue – counselors told to return June 22 without faculty input.  Wrote letter and delivered June 1 requesting to remain in virtual domain.  Lack of metrics defined.  414 students seen but lost over 1000 appts virtually because of it.  Original ask was 5 or 6, now only 3.  Most counselors think they can serve most students virtually.  Unanimous in sending letter.
  • No metrics for returning to step 2 from step 3.
  • Seen 168 students on campus since August 1.  Could have seen 400 virtually.
  • JCCC not following JCDH and SM/BV/OSD recommendations.
  1. Report & Discussion: campus reopening plan

summer teach-out experiences

  • Generally positive experiences for those involved.  One student refused to wear mask and was referred to Access Services.
  • Many questions still remain.
  • Campus Services was not looped in and some services were not taking place (A/C, custodial, etc.)
  • Many issues were passed to the ABC since they were non-contractual.  ABC now has representation on IRT.

representation on RTC (Return to Campus task force)

  • We now have it – Heather Seitz

communication between RTC and faculty


  1. adjournment

Next meeting: Thursday, Sept. 10, 3:30, second Thursdays of month


            Faculty Association, Monday, May 11, 2020, 3 p.m. via Zoom


In attendance: Jim Leiker, Diane Davis, Brett Cooper, Eve Blobaum, Cherie Leiker, Terri Easley-Geraldo, Dan Mueller, Alicia Bredehoeft, Nancy Holcroft-Benson, Brian Wright, Deb Williams, Andrew Lutz, Jeff Anderson, Melanie Harvey, Dave Krug, Tammy Balzell (KNEA), Bruce Harvey, Dennis Arjo, Heather Sietz, Holly Dressler, Mary Berg, Farrell Jenab (Faculty Development), Tonia Hughes, Jessica Garcia

Brought to order: 3:04pm

  1. welcome & introduction of new officers
    1. President: Jim Leiker
    2. Vice President: Diane Davis
    3. Secretary: Brett Cooper
    4. Treasurer: Eve Blobaum
    5. UniServ Representative: Brian Wright
    6. Immediate Past President: Melanie Harvey
  2. OLAC (Terri)
    1. New observation form for online classes is out
    2. Recordings in Zoom will be removed after 30 days, move them to Yuja for longer storage
    3. Online class size 15-25 – exceptions on a course by course basis
    4. Course delivery methods descriptions have been updated
  3. Report: campus reopening task force (Holly Dressler)
    1. Each dept responsible for their area
    2. TF looking at state and county guidelines
    3. Goal to have plan together by next week
    4. Has met twice – plan to meet twice per week
    5. Employee return
    6. Student return
    7. Criteria for moving through phases
  4. Report: Treasurer (Eve Blobaum)
    1. This time of year, very little activity
    2. Report will be posted to Canvas
  5. Discussion: donation in lieu of end-of-semester party
    1. Student emergency fund?
    2. student basic needs center? – for food
    3. Motion (Eve Blobaum/Dennis Arjo): $500 to Dean’s Student Emergency Fund
    4. Counseling Center hardship fund also an option – higher cap than Dean’s fund
    5. Managed by counseling faculty
    6. 12 hours and 2.0 required
    7. Motion amended: Donate $500 to Counseling Center Hardship Fund (Eve/Dennis) – motion passed
  6. Discussion: call for volunteers for social committee & party planning
    1. Currently: Marilyn Senter and Aaron Prater
    2. Willing to stay to the end and clean up
    3. Possible end time for parties?
    4. Mary Berg volunteered
  7. Update: facilities renaming committee
    1. Diane Davis is faculty rep
  8. Report: shared governance task force (Jeff Anderson)
    1. Academic Branch Shared Governance Task Force is still meeting
    2. Working on identifying which committees on ABC
    3. Chair of ABC will have 3 hours release time
    4. Nominations for chair/vice chair due May 18
    5. Current leadership will be interim
  9. Report: collegial steering (Jim Leiker & Melanie Harvey)
    1. Asked for faculty to describe the transition to online this semester
    2. Administration and trustees happy with how faculty have transitioned
    3. Proctoring exams is a concern
    4. Next meeting in July with new president
  10. Update: 2021 negotiations
    1. Two members of NT identified
    2. Survey coming this fall
  11. adjournment, farewell to retiring members
    1. adjourned at 4:00pm

Monday, April 20, 2020

Via Zoom

Members Present: Melanie Harvey (President), Jim Leiker (VP), Terri Easley-Giraldo (Secretary), Eve Blobaum (Treasurer), Brian Wright (Uniserv Rep), Gretchen Thum, Diane Davis, Samira Hussein, Dan Cryer, Nancy Holcroft Benson, Deb Williams, Kelle Oestreich, Allison Smith, Cherie Leiker, Kate McNeil, Toby Klinger, Hugh Clark, Brett Cooper, Mary Berg, Jessica Garcia, Jeff Anderson, Ron Palcic, Dave Krug, Chad Sanner, Steve Hansen, Lori Slaven

Guests:  Tammy Baltzell (KNEA Uniserv), Farrell Jenab (Faculty Development Coordinator)

President Harvey called the meeting to order at 3:31pm

Treasurer report and recording of Zoom meeting can be found in Canvas.


Discussion of adding people to Canvas (different roles such as TA, Tutor, observer, etc) – would like OLAC to discuss this issue.  Would like some boundaries and communicate to everyone potential consequences of doing this.  When is it appropriate to add them and at what point do you remove them? (example such as Student Resource employees, other faculty helping each other)


Teaching Spring and Summer/Fall Courses:

Discussion about the various ways people are finishing the spring semester as well as plans for teaching and scheduling summer/fall semesters. Lots of frustration with mixed messages or lack of information.


Academic Integrity Online Classes

Discussion over academic integrity – various viewpoints, challenges, and strategies across disciplines.


Elections FA Officers

Nominations close today at 5pm.  Currently have volunteers for all positions.  Elections will take place this week.



Logistically impossible to do zoom RA and integrity of voting.  There will be recommendations to the Board regarding new business items but all resolutions tabled to 2021.


Meeting adjourned at 5:02 p.m.




Monday, March 30, 2020

Via Zoom

Members Present: Melanie Harvey (President), Jim Leiker (VP), Terri Easley-Giraldo (Secretary), Eve Blobaum (Treasurer), Dennis Arjo (Past President), Samira Hussein, Deb Williams, Diane Davis, Brett Cooper, Dave Davis, Barry Herron, Dave Krug,

Guests:  Tammy Baltzell (KNEA Uniserv)

President Harvey called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.


Treasurer report and recording of Zoom meeting can be found in Canvas.


Compensation For Faculty returning in June: 

In some areas like Art, CTE, culinary – they decided there is no way to finish semester unless in person.  College is planning them to continue lectures online and then hopefully in month of June campus will open partially and they come use equipment/facilities while maintaining social distancing.  They only have to fulfill the minimum requirements for students to receive credit and move on.  To compensate for the extra time in June – there are 2 kinds of groups/labs.  Lecture-lab combined and labs separate from a lecture.  For lecture-lab combined (.85) – paying 1/4th through supplemental contract.  For labs (.75) separate – pay ½ through supplemental contract.  Melanie plans to run it by the people that are doing it.  It will only work if faculty are on-board for doing it.


It was pointed out that if faculty have to practice social distancing and limit students in a room, they would potentially be spending more time to accommodate all the students.  Was pointed out a one-size-fits-all approach won’t work and should be flexible.


Canvas Access to Courses

Melanie sent an email to IDC expressing concern and frustration for not contacting OLAC ahead of time given their work on the Dean/Chair access guidelines.  Reminded them this was temporary and it can not be part of evaluation process.


Concerns expressed for not upholding shared governance principles.


FA Officer Elections

Get nominations to an FA officer or Melanie.  Accepting nominations until the next meeting April 20th.  Will close nominations at 5pm on April 20, and will then host online election (will be open for a week).  New President is responsible for the May meeting.



RA has been cancelled and a recommendation by the Board that there will be a way for existing delegates to weigh in.  Communication will be coming from KNEA soon.  Also a newly created Higher Ed group to have discussions has been created.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:29pm.


Monday, February 17, 2020

RC 145, 3:15pm

Members Present: Melanie Harvey (President), Jim Leiker (VP), Terri Easley-Giraldo (Secretary), Dennis Arjo (Past President), Brian Wright (Uniserv), Jay Antle, Sheryl Hadley, Barry Bailey, Diane Davis, Jim McWard, Mary Berg, Dennis Arjo, Tonia Hughes, Deb Williams, Laura Cascogne, Brett Cooper, Terri Teal, Dave Krug, Alicia Bredehoeft, Doug Copeland

Guests:  Tammy Baltzell (KNEA Uniserv)

President Harvey called the meeting to order at 3:15 p.m.


KNEA Sectional – Deb Williams

Resolutions and New Business Items for April meeting.  Proposing a Resolution on food insecurity – allows KNEA to legislate regarding food insecurity.  Another Resolution is changing Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day.   The new business item is to give guidance to the Board for 1 year – proposing that more of KNEA budget is directed towards Higher Education recruitment and professional development.  Need JCCC Delegates to help support and vote.   Melanie noted she’s also working on a Resolution about transferability to 4 year institutions for April.


Institutional Shared Governance Task Force – Sheryl Hadley, Barry Bailey

Listening sessions in GEB 233 for employees:

Tues, 3/3 – 9am

Wed, 3/4 – 2pm

Thurs, 3/5 – 2pm


College Council draft currently has membership as follows.  A 3 year term (except for Student Senate), non-voting, non-decision making body.  Purpose is to facilitate communication on campus among administration, faculty, staff, students and the Board of Trustees.


-College President

-Cabinet – 1

-Student Senate – 1

-Staff Reps – 3 (hourly, salary, Directors)

-BOT – 1

-Faculty Reps – 2 from ABC

-Adjunct Council – 1

-Deans – 1


Discussion about Faculty Representation and the importance of having an FA representative present.  It was suggested to have representatives be:  1 ABC, 1 FA, and 1 Adjunct Council rather than 2 from ABC since ABC represents a branch and not just full-time faculty.  Also concern that Student Services wasn’t adequately represented.


Academic Shared Governance – Dennis Arjo

Pressing forward with the existing model and the focus is now on details: bylaws and mission statement for the ABC.  Trying to address the concerns during the vote and ways to get the ABC to be representative across Divisions potentially.  Another concern was what goes to a vote and what doesn’t.  March 7th  the model will be presented to the Board at the Retreat.


Benefits Update – Medical Costs Increase – Jerry Zimmerman

Change is coming! (subject to Board approval).  Open enrollment is April 13-24, 2020.  You have to enroll, so mark your calendars.  Prescription drugs will increasingly become a challenge to keep the medical plans affordable.  JCCC’s claims have been approximately 2.4 million more than BCBS expects/projects.  Went out for a bid with the 5 major companies.  Humana came in with a 10% increase but changed the plan design dramatically.  Cabinet did not approve switching companies due mainly to structure/cost of drugs.  The negotiated increase is 17.2% with BCBS.  Until now the average increase was around 5% increase.  In least 10 years have only had 2 years with double-digit increases.  Flex credits haven’t increased in 11 years.


For Group 2 there are no changes for High Deductible.  Those in other 2 plans will see a 17.2% increase.

For Group 1 – the shared cost of increase is 50-50.  Group 1 will see 13-13.5 increase of premium.


The good news is no increase for premiums for CIGNA Dental, Vision and Basic, Optional & Dependent Life.  The premium for Delta Dental is increasing only 4%.


If you want to walk through possibilities of going from Group 1 to Group 2 – HR can work with you.


The enrollment worksheet HR will allow you to see what you pay today and what you will pay next year.


Presidential Search Update – Melanie Harvey

71 applications and narrowed to 10 semi-finalists.  There will be 2 days of interviews (1 hour interviews) with each candidate.  Melanie got 1 question and it is about working with unions or working through issues of workload, etc.  Then the group will choose the finalists that come to campus.  The names will then be released of the finalists.  They will come on campus the first week of March.  The time slots will be 2pm for faculty and a 3pm open forums.  There will be a survey sent out by IR to gather feedback.  The group will meet that Friday after interviews to give some limited feedback, but it’s in the BOT’s hands after they come to campus.


OLAC Update – Online Course Evaluation – Terri Easley-Giraldo

Working on online course evaluations which will mirror the current on campus course evaluation forms.  OLAC worked last week to create bullet points with examples and language, “examples, such as” to help guide discussions rather than a check-list.  Will need faculty approval – Melanie is looking into with KNEA how to get that faculty approval.


Collegial Steering – Jim Leiker

Jim gave a short update on Collegial Steering.


Treasurer report can be found in Canvas.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:58pm.




Thursday, January 16, 2020

CC 211, 1:00pm

Members Present: Melanie Harvey (President), Jim Leiker (VP), Terri Easley-Giraldo (Secretary), Eve Blobaum (Treasurer), Dennis Arjo (Past President), Diana Hurst, Larry Weaver, Sheryl Hadley, Allison Smith, Vin Clark, Brett Cooper, Deb Williams, Danny Alexander, Sam Bell, Diane Davis, Rob Grondahl, Jeff Anderson, Heather Seitz, Barry Herron, Tai Edwards, Andrea Vieux, Mary Burg, Scott Gilmore

Guests:  Tammy Baltzell (KNEA Uniserv)

President Harvey called the meeting to order at 1:00pm


Potential change bylaws for officers -1) having 2 year terms 2) having a President-Elect instead of Vice-President?  Allows for more planning and accommodating to schedules, etc. Some concerns about 6 year commitment but support for 2 year terms.  Also mentioned to move up the voting to help with class scheduling, other officer roles, suggesting potential candidates have served in some sort of FA role before running for President.  Also suggested to push for more release time in negotiations for FA President.  Will put together a committee to look into this.   Would need member vote to approve any changes.

Academic Shared Governance Update – Dennis

Plan is put forth and vote will occur by Divisions (each Division = 1 vote).  Divisions are Academic Divisions, then Staff get 1 vote and Adjuncts get 1 vote.  Weather may complicate the voting and ability to distribute the information and allow for questions.  The hope is it will be supported by a solid majority and then the next step would be to write policy and procedure. Conversations about proposed model occurred.

KNEA Higher Education Summit and KNEA Legislative Agenda Update

Melanie and Dennis attended and information useful to staff at KNEA to educate about issues Higher Ed faces.  We can propose resolutions that become part of KNEA documentation and they will lobby on behalf of what membership says is important to them.  Will annually have a Higher Ed Summit and a break out session in April RA for Higher Ed.

Delegates for RA (Feb. 8-OHEC and April 25 and 26 in Topeka)

Need volunteers – can have up to 10 delegates.  If interested let Melanie know.

Right now Melanie Harvey, Jim Leiker, Dennis Arjo, Brian Wright.

Presidential Search

Committee took unconscious bias training. Will see applications unscreened tomorrow (Friday).  Then will review before committee gets together.

HLC Report

FA Officers plan to draft language that addresses FA’s role an responsibilities at the college.  Do not want to leave it to the administration to define who we are and what we do.  The goal is to have it in the documentation the college sends.

Board of Trustees

Brief update on the letter issue and investigation/fact finding.  See the board packet for more information.


They are asking for people to donate $5 a month – $60 a year.  Political Action Committee of KNEA.  Can not do payroll deductions anymore – has to be voluntary.  If interested, let Melanie know and she can give you the information card.


Nancy Schnider-Wilson has volunteered to work on it.  Goal is for it to look more like a seal and look more higher ed. 


Officially moved to next Friday 1/24/2020 at Quivira Falls Clubhouse.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:05pm.


Thursday, November 21, 2019

RC 145, 3:15pm

Members Present: Jim Leiker (VP), Terri Easley-Giraldo (Secretary), Eve Blobaum (Treasurer), Dennis Arjo (Past President), Diane Davis, David Davis, Vin Clark, Larry Weaver, Irene Olivares, Scott Gilmore, Deb Williams, Jeff Anderson, Brett Cooper, Jay Antle, Dave Krug, Andrea Vieux

Vice President Jim Leiker called the meeting to order at 3:15pm.

Institutional Task Force – during January PDD sessions, there will be ample opportunity to give feedback to the group.

Election and Legislative updates – meetings with other locals

Greg Musil, Nancy Ingram and Laura Smith-Everett won the Board of Trustee election.  Have had conversations with KCKCC union members and will be arranging a lunch in Feb with some union representatives from both colleges to talk about shared issues.

FA Membership Recruitment

Volunteers have compiled a list of current FA members and those who are not dues paying members.  Each volunteer selected 3-4 people they would personally contact and talk to them about joining the union.  Jeff Anderson has brought in 5 people so far.  Will meet again in Feb/March to see how the approach is going.  This may be a permanent standing committee.  The FA is currently about 62% of the bargaining unit.

Collegial Steering

Met on Nov. 5th and Jerry Cook has an idea for the remainder of the year.  The members don’t really understand the mission of the other groups so he recommended that we devote each one just to a conversation about the imminent issues of a particular group.  The FA will be the group in April and people understand there is some level of confidentiality to what we can talk about.  The composition of Collegial Steering may change.

KNEA Delegates (Feb.. 8) and State (April 25-26)

KNEA Sectional/Representative Assembly is Sat, Feb. 8 at 9am at JCCC OHEC and KNEA Representative Assembly will be Sat and Sun April 25 and 26 at Capital Plaza Topeka. Please let Brian Wright know if you are willing to attend.

Higher Ed Symposium/Advocacy Day – Deb Williams

In January in Topeka.  11 of the affiliated groups are coming.  Each affiliated group gets 2 seats – ours are Brian Wright and Jim Leiker.  The 2 alternates are Dennis Arjo and Melanie Harvey.

Alliance Uniserv – Brett Cooper

Big project for the last year has been writing bylaws for Uniserv and establishing a governance structure.  We should have a final draft to present at the December meeting.

Treasurer’s Report – Eve Blobaum

Can be found in Canvas.

OLAC update – Dave Davis

Working with IDC to establish class sizes for online courses.  Group did some editing on the document as per the Deans concerns but did not adjust the numbers and stand by the original request of 15-25 scale that will be determined at the divisional level.

Deans asked OLAC to develop an evaluation that can be used to evaluate online classes.  OLAC will proceed with formulating an online evaluation form that will have to be approved by the FA members since any changes to a negotiated item has to go through the FA.

Branch/Shared Governance Task Force – Dennis Arjo

Displayed the proposed structure document that has been shown at the town hall meetings.  2 main concerns have been addressed:  there is no faculty senate on the model and the role adjuncts if Faculty Senate goes away.  Discussion took place on the proposed structure.

Dennis wanted to be clear this was not an FA driven model – it came out of the Academic Branch/Shared Governance Task Force.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:17pm.


Thursday, October 17, 2019

RC 145, 3:15pm

Members Present: Melanie Harvey (President), Jim Leiker (VP), Terri Easley-Giraldo (Secretary), Brian Wright (UNISERV Rep), Dennis Arjo (Past President), Sheryl Hadley, Vin Clark, Bob Carney, Ron Palcic, Larry Weaver, Nick Mancini, Irene Olivares, Angela King, Deb Williams, Valerie Mann, Brett Cooper, Barry Herron, Dave Krug, Jeff Anderson, Diane Davis, David Davis, Scott Gilmore, Beth Edmonds, Steven Giambrone, Jim Hopper

Guests:  Kathleen Bailes

President Melanie Harvey called the meeting to order at 3:15pm.

President’s TaskForce on Shared Governance –Vin Clark, Sheryl Hadley and Kathleen Bailes

Vin explained to the group his reason for resigning from this TaskForce.  It was pointed out that many things reference faculty in the HLC comments, but the charges of this group don’t match.  This group is focusing on shared governance through all constituents.  It was unanimous from those at the meeting that another full-time faculty member should take Vin’s spot.

Discussion about how the 2 groups will eventually have to work together because the academic branch is only dealing with academic side of things and will need a structure to operate within.

Academic Shared Governance TaskForce – Dennis Arjo

Has been divided into 4 groups: principles to govern, structure, pain points, and current list of committees.  Each group is currently researching their areas and briefly explained what their groups are working on.  Weekly minutes are available for this TaskForce.

Faculty Senate – Beth Edmonds

Expressed concern that faculty voice has been lost in TaskForce as charges and chairs were placed for both groups.  Senate is currently working on DEI (Diversity) TaskForce.  Overall goal for Senate this year is to do some cleanup and get committees on track and get Senate ready to take on whatever task is given to it once TaskForces complete their job.  Also plans to attend BOT meetings.

Treasurer’s Report –

Available in Canvas.

Some Enchanted Evening and Donation to Foundation

Accept the 3 tickets from Lee Cross and 3 tickets from Angeliina Lawson and donate our earmarked donation to the Foundation.  Any FA Member interested in going should let Melanie know soon and she plans to send out an email.  If many are interested, will do a drawing.  Discussion about where to give $1,500 within the Foundation?  Ron made motion for it to go to general scholarship fund.  Dennis Seconded.  Ron withdrew motion.  Jeff made motion to donate to Student Emergency fund.  Scott Gilmore seconded.  Motion passed.  Donation of $1,500 will go to the Emergency Fund.

OLAC Update – Dave Davis

Working on recommendation for online course sizes and submitted to IDC at end of Spring semester.  IDC sent back to OLAC with some feedback.  OLAC made some revisions to the proposal at the September meeting and will be re-submitting to IDC.  Proposing a range of 15-25 with a rubric for courses to be judged for class size by Deans.  It was mentioned that evaluation of online courses is up next for OLAC and concern about this topic since it deals with evaluation of full-time faculty (contractual issue).

Membership – Jim Leiker

In August asked for volunteers to talk to non-FA members.  Work on trying to increase members.  Will be sending out a meeting request to those volunteers to sign up/pick people to talk to.

Collegial Steering – Jim Leiker

Big point of conversation regarding September Board Meeting of certain Trustees responding with rude behavior, which extended to Beth Edmonds as well.  Jim was the one that brought it up and felt it was a decent conversation with the Board members.

President’s Updates – Melanie Harvey

VERB:  Did a 5-year projection – after this contract runs out, the projected costs continue to increase from 5 million to 6 million and then projecting 2% raises for after our current contract.  KNEA is sending a letter that it is mandatory to be negotiated in the next contract.   If you take the pay-out part of VERB, you can still come back and work part-time at the college. If you do the retirement account (HRA), you can’t access the retirement account while working at the college (emeritus) per federal law.

JCCC Presidential Search:  Information is located on the website.  Will be doing a listening session on the ad to edit the advertisement.

Dental Plan RFP:  Need to get 2 volunteers – meet on Tuesday, Nov. 12 at 2pm.  Ron Palcic and Jeff Anderson volunteered.

Logo:  Need to update the logo.  Used JCCC logo with “faculty association” underneath it for Larry’s award with college permission.  One of the candidates used this logo and was contacted by Marketing.  We were also asked to remove it from our Facebook page.  Would like to get people together to establish a new logo.  Melanie proposed a seal with an “established on” to be symbolic.

Meeting was adjourned at  5:04 p.m.


Thursday, September 19, 2019

RC 183, 3:30pm

Members Present: Melanie Harvey (President), Jim Leiker (VP), Terri Easley-Giraldo (Secretary), Eve Blobaum (Treasurer), Dennis Arjo (Past President), Sheryl Hadley, Vin Clark, Barry Herron, Beth Edmonds, Rhonda Barlow, Jeff Anderson, Andrea Vieux, Dave Krug, Larry Weaver, Kathleen Bailes, Brett Cooper, Deb Williams,

Guests:  Tammy Baltzell (KNEA Uniserv), Farrell Jenab (Faculty Development Coordinator)

President Melanie Harvey called the meeting to order at 3:31pm.

President’s TaskForce on Shared Governance – Vin Clark, Sheryl Hadley and Kathleen Bailes

This committee meets every Thursday.  Today will be the 2nd meeting of the group.  They were given research from other colleges of shared governance and asked to give review of things they found helpful.

President’s Search

In general the president searches at JCCC do not have faculty representation that matches other institutions.  Propose that we expect to have a lot of faculty members on the committee when it is put together.

Vince Clark made a Motion:  Since it is established practice in academic institutions that faculty members make up a significant share of search committees for presidents and other academic officers – and since this college is currently working to strengthen its commitment to shared governance – the Johnson County Community College Faculty Association calls on the Board of Trustees, in consultation with the faculty leadership, to appoint faculty members to a substantial proportion of all positions on the presidential search committee.  The Association also urges the search to be conducted in a fully transparent manner, opening all events to the public whenever possible. 

Jeff Anderson seconded.

Discussion:  Couple of wordings that are problematic “in consultation with faculty leadership.” Also the number of faculty members – be more specific.

Rhonda made a motion to close discussion. Eve seconded.  Motion was voted on and failed.

Discussion and working on a new wording.

Eve proposed motion – Since it is established practice in academic institutions that faculty members make up a significant share of search committees for presidents and other academic officers – and since this college is currently working to strengthen its commitment to shared governance – the Johnson County Community College Faculty Association calls on the Board of Trustees to support the Faculty Association’s appointment of at least 3 faculty member positions on the presidential search committee.  The Association also urges the search to be conducted in a fully transparent manner, opening all events to the public whenever possible. 

Jeff seconded.  Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report

The report is available in Canvas.

Political Action Committee

Had a great committee – thank you to the committee.  Forum was successful and had over 200 attendees.  A private questionnaire was distributed, and those responses will not be made public.  Through research, conversations, the forum, and questionnaire – the 3 candidates were selected to be endorsed.  The endorsements have been listed on the FA Facebook Group as well as on the private email list.

KNEA postcard will go out to KNEA members in Johnson County.  Talked about cost for JCCC FA to participate in.  Right now it’s JCCC, Olathe, Spring Hill and Shawnee Mission that have agreed to participate.   It will be $71.51 cost to JCCC FA.  Discussion about logistics for using dues money since it’s only going to members and not public.  Members volunteered to cover costs if can’t use FA funds.

Tammy confirmed we can use FA funds to pay for cards to our own members.

Motion – Eve moved that we use FA account funds to pay for postcards to send to our members.  Deb seconded.  Motion passed.

President Updates – Melanie Harvey

-Dennis Arjo will be FA representative to the Shared Governance Taskforce

-Nancy Thomas volunteered to be KOPS FA representative

-We have 332 bargaining unit members of that 201 are members (61%)

-Memo of Understanding – next time negotiate contract, FA wants to negotiate Chair Training amounts.  Suggested to just negotiate a rate of pay for training that can be used going forward.  Mickey has not signed it yet.

-Memo of Understanding – VERB that it should be negotiated into the next contract.  Has not be signed yet.  Working with KNEA legal and HR.

Distinguished Service Rubric Discussion

Name of judge was submitted to Mickey and it has been approved.  Rubric was created during discussions last spring.  Before we move forward and roll it out – wanted to get input and strive for more fair process.  The only feedback have received thus far – examples might discourage people from applying.  Will talk with Mickey and Farrell to make sure everyone is on same page with the rubric.  Change instructor to “as in your faculty role” – and take out the examples to put into a new document.

Deb made the motion to accept revised rubric.  Terri seconded.

Farrell will post on InfoHub once she receives the changes from Melanie.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:47pm.


Thursday, August 15, 2019

CC 126B, 3:30pm

Members Present: Melanie Harvey (President), Jim Leiker (VP), Terri Easley-Giraldo (Secretary), Eve Blobaum (Treasurer), Dennis Arjo (Past President), Brian Wright (Uniserv Rep), Andrea Broomfield, Rhonda Barlow, Tai Edwards, Diana Hurst, Andrea Vieux, Sam Bell, Jeff Anderson, Ron Palcic, Sheryl Hadley, Ted Meadows, Bob Carney, Scott Gilmore, Samira Hussein, Cherie Leiker, Bobanne Kalkofen, Diane Davis, Marilyn Senter, Lori Slavin, Scott Crompton, Laura Gascoane, Tina Wolff, Luzma Alvarez, Xiaola Wu, Beth Edmonds, Stu Shafer, Bill McFarlane, Gretchen Thum, Matthew Schmeer, Larry Weaver, David Krug, Brenda Edmonds, Donna Helgeson, Barry Herron, Brett Cooper, Allison Smith, Aaron Prater, Toby Klinger, Doug Copeland, Deb Williams, Irene Olivares

Guests:  Tammy Baltzell (KNEA Uniserv)

President Melanie Harvey called the meeting to order at 3:31p.m.

Treasurer’s Report

The report is available in Canvas.

New Membership

24 eligible new bargaining unit members, 9 joined the first day they were asked.  Had a few others join over the summer.  Asking for volunteers to talk to people in your area that are not members yet that have been here for a few years.


Samira Hussein

Matthew Schmeer

Deb Williams

Allison Smith

Brett Cooper

Lori Slaven

Tina Wolff

Diana Hurst

Aaron Prater


We budgeted $1,500 to give to the foundation in some fashion.  Last year we participated in Some Enchanted Evening.  Trustee Cross has asked us to share a table with us.  If it is less than $1,500 – we would donate the remaining funds to the Foundation.

Distinguished Service Award Update

After several sessions we ended the discussion without agreeing to anything which means no changes to the contract.  The basic problem was the administration wanted to radically change the award – limiting how many times you could win it, renaming, etc.  We did work on a rubric together and plan for it to be available to applicants when applying.  Our expectation is it will work as it has historically been done and the judge can award up to 10.  Melanie has discussed with the KNEA attorneys and they said they are not clear where they think the CAO can decide to give less awards.

Chairs Academy

All chairs were required to attend a Chairs Academy.  Nothing addressed practical matters such as scheduling, Banner or dealing with adjuncts.  It was more about abstract leadership abilities.  Chairs were paid for the experience.  Next year there will be another local academy.  People who will be chair after 2020 the college will pay to have them travel to training.  People expressed concerned for those having to travel and how it will limit those able to participate as Chairs.  Financially some say it doesn’t make sense to spend that much money on Chair Academy.  The Leadership Institute which is housed on campus is a resource that already exists – why couldn’t Chairs participate in that in-house training?

BOT Candidate Forum and PAC

Sept 3 – Tuesday, 7pm all six candidates have been invited by JCCC FA and JoCo Chapter of League of Women Voters.  This will be a forum not a debate.  Terri Easley-Giraldo will be the moderator.  It will be recorded and promoted.

FA PAC met today.  We will be sending out a questionnaire separate from the forum.  This will have about 12 questions the candidates will have 3 weeks to work on.  We will go through the answers and eventually make a recommendation to which candidates should be on the Board.  We can recommend up to three – we could recommend 1, 2, or 0.

President Updates – Melanie Harvey

KNEA Higher Education Symposium Survey

Would send 2 people and it would be paid for.  See it as a great opportunity to connect with other KNEA higher ed.  Also asked to submit issues to be covered.  If anyone has ideas for topics specific to higher ed, please let Melanie know.


KNEA Racial and Social Justice

Nov. 2, 10-5pm, $15 KNEA Members and $50 non-members.

http://Bit.ly/elevateknea is the link to register

Upcoming Dates:

KNEA regional – 2/8/20

State RA – 4/25-4/26/20

National (Atlanta) – 7/1-7/6/20




Business Division Evaluations

Last year, he observed everyone teach and wrote up performance review.  In the performance review, he brought in a numbering system (1-5) from his last institution.  He used the 3 box form, and “see attached” which was a form that had headings from different parts of job description.  3 meant average.  He had people sign it and attach it to the approved performance review.  The Business Division will be redoing all the evaluations and remove all the extra things.  There may be a narrative but there will be no scoring.  KNEA says he can keep scoring in his own record, but he cannot do that in the official evaluation file.  The next step if they don’t fix it would be complaining to the Labor Board about a prohibitive practice.

 Shared Governance:

Discussion about including people that are impacted by decisions in decision making.  Bill McFarlane talked about his experience of Faculty Senate.

General comments from the group:

No interest in doing anything that divides faculty.  Melanie pointed out that she is not going to refuse to participate in conversations and will show up if invited.

Did not appreciate the tone faculty were addressed this morning.  It was like we were children being scolded and did not feel respected.  Hope we can work together with respect.  Would expect from ourselves (faculty), a level of respect we want from the administration.  Please do not throw arrows at other faculty members – that doesn’t help us and other faculty are not our enemies.

We need to identify where can we be flexible and think of new solutions.

It was pointed out that perspectives are unique and people tend to remember things differently (ie the HLC meeting).

 There are not clear cut lanes for everything.  Best to coordinate action between groups.

Where do we need to go from here?

-If administration do not legitimize the senate and see it as a place to take up management right issues the senate is undermined.

-If we are going to work on the things we can as faculty, we need to talk about role of association where there wasn’t another voice to handle non-contract issues.  It means changing some of the day-to-day activities the association took on because of an absence of another body.  The senate needs to rewrite mission/constitution where it is infringing on the legitimacy and role of FA.

We can fix the faculty stuff, but if we do not see buy-in and legitimacy from administration, don’t know where we go from here. 

 Need to make sure that faculty can leverage voice of being at BOT meetings.  Currently the FA President is the only one that has that option.

What kinds of questions does FA address and what kinds of questions does Ed Affairs and senate address.  We have the opportunity to give the faculty more empowerment within the institution by allowing us to have a say in.

Pointed out if this “HLC discussion/incident didn’t happen” – would there be a different / actual conversation on shared governance.

People are frustrated that the “interpretation” of HLC asking the school to address communication between administration and faculty.  Just the practice of Senate and FA working out differences doesn’t address the actual focus of shared governance issue.  We need to be careful about letting administration reframing the HLC issues.

 Meeting was adjourned at 4:51p.m.