Sleuthing Series — Nursing Program

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

Nursing Class 1978

What We Know

  • The first Course Catalog was printed early in 1969.  It contained only Programs and Course Descriptions.  One program was Health Professions: “Objective: To provide the student with the basic liberal arts instruction and the necessary clinical experience required of a student to sit for licensing or certifying examinations in those allied health programs indicated.”  The listing included: Cytotechnology, Medical Records Technician, Dental Assisting, Medical Secretary, Emergency Medical Technician, Radiologic Technology, Inhalation Therapy.
  • By the time the 71-72 catalog came out in the spring of 1971, the same information appeared under “Health Occupations.”  However, a separate Nursing program was described.  “The successful graduate will be eligible to take the state licensing examinations for registration (R.N.)”
  • The 1972-73 catalog listed, not only a Nursing program, but separate programs for Dental Assistant, Dental Hygiene, and Inhalation Therapy.
  • Mary Lou Taylor, was listed in the 1970-71 staff directory as Coordinator of Nursing Education, and the following year as Coordinator of Natural Sciences.  In the following directories, she is listed as Coordinator of Nursing until 1984, when she was named Dean of Instruction.  From 1991-1994 she was a member of the Board of Trustees.
  • From Mary Lou Taylor in Visionary Voices: An Oral History of Johnson County Community College, the Early Years. JCCC, c1994:
    I remember telling my students that I can’t think of anything more exciting than starting from the beginning and developing something new and different.  I liked the idea of being involved in an institution in which there were not so many dyed-in-the-wool traditions that you couldn’t do something exciting and creative.”

What We Don’t Know

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

Lab, September 1972
September 1972
October 1972
October 1972
Mary Lou Taylor and an unnamed person, November 1973
November 1975
May 1978
May 1978
Nursing Careers 1981
Nursing Careers 1981
Nursing Careers 1981
Nursing Careers 1981
Nursing Careers 1981
Toy donation, 1983
Nursing Careers 1986
Nursing Program Graduation cover, 1987
Nursing Alumni Officers, 1989

One thought on “Sleuthing Series — Nursing Program”

  1. I saw some factual glitches about Mary Lou Taylor. She was named Director of Science, Math, and Health in 1984. The blog says she was named Dean of Instruction in 1984, but that happened in December, 1986. I was on the search committee. She remained Dean of Instruction until 1990, when she retired. Finally, the blog says Mary Lou was on the JCCC board from 1991 to 1994, which is one year off: she was on the board until 1995. … –Jack Halligan, May 2, 2019.

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