Sleuthing Series — The JCCC Presidents

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

Founder’s Day, September 14, 1989,. The celebration of JCCC’s 20th Anniversary, brought together current and former presidents: (left to right) Dr. John Cleek, Dr. Charles Carlsen, Dr. Robert Harris .

What We Know

  • JCCC has known five presidents and one interim president:
    Dr. Robert Harris, 1968-1974
    Dr. John Cleek, 1975-1980
    Dr. Charles J. Carlsen, 1981-2006
    Dr. Larry W. Tyree (interim), 2006-2007
    Dr. Terry Calaway, 2007-2013
    Dr. Joe Sopcich, 2013-present

    What We Don’t Know

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

Dr. Harris was hired in 1968 with a charge to be ready to begin classes in September 1969. That he did.
Dr. Harris greets a visitor, Robert Docking who was the current Governor of Kansas.
Dr. John Cleek.
Dr. Cleek talks with students.
Dr. Charles J. Carlsen.
September 1988, Dr. Carlsen takes his turn behind the plow in the groundbreaking for the Cultural Education Center. Trustee Hugh Speer handles the horses.
Dr. Tyree – courtesy JCCC Photography
Dr. Tyree – courtesy JCCC Photography
Dr. Calaway – courtesy JCCC Photography
Dr. Calaway – courtesy JCCC Photography
Dr. Sopcich – courtesy JCCC Photography
Dr. Sopcich – courtesy JCCC Photography

Sleuthing Series — Leading Lady

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!


Virginia Krebs and Dr. Wil Billington at a 1995 reception.


What We Know

  •  Virginia Krebs is remembered at JCCC for her leadership.  She was dedicated, resourceful, imaginative, interested in the needs of others, a life-long learner, an active member of the community, and so much more.
  • Virginia Krebs was the first employee hired at JCCC.  On November 16, 1967, the Board hired her as a part-time secretary.  Some had encouraged her to run for a Board position, but she had two young sons at home.  She was busy working in the community, especially with groups important to the college/community connection.
  • She had already worked for three years with Dr. Billington on the feasibility study committee. She also worked tirelessly with the citizens’ committee that ran the successful campaign that brought about the creation of the college.
  • Mrs. Krebs worked as an assistant to the president and with John Pearce in community cooperation, while still secretary to the Board.
  • In the early 1970s, she took the lead in developing a series of community outreach programs, “VIEWS on the Changing Roles of Women – Volunteering, Identity, Exploring, Work, School.  She was assisted in development of the program by Dr. Betty Barker Smith and Dr. Grace Ketterman.
  • She was instrumental in establishing the Arts Council of Johnson County, which partnered with the college in countless events.
  • Other successful endeavors included cooperation with the League of Women Voters on numerous community forums, the Great Decisions Group discussions, programs for gifted children, and much more.
  • Mrs. Krebs became a full-time employee in 1969.  When she retired in 1984, she was Director of Community Services.
  • In 1985, she was elected to the Board of Trustees and served six consecutive terms before her retirement in 2008.  She was the first to be named Trustee Emeritus.
  • Virginia Krebs died on February 8, 2014, at the age of 94.

What We Don’t Know

  • What did her work mean to you?
  • Do you know more about the Virginia Krebs Award/

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

Virginia Krebs, Coordinator of Community Services, speaks to a group, January 17, 1973. On her right is Dane Lonborg, Asst. Dean of Instruction.. To her left appears to be John Pearce, Director of Community Cooperation.
Mrs Virginia Krebs, JCCC coordinator of community services, left, presents Mr. Thelma Shipman the 1000th membership card in JCCC’s Brown and Gold Club. – JCCC Communique, September 1975.
Virginia Krebs at her desk, February 1978.
Luncheon at the Glenwood, March 3, 1981. Virginia Krebs with unidentified guest.
From May of 1981 – Virginia Krebs Award. Pictured are Virginia Krebs and Linda Dayton.
Virginia Krebs views groundbreaking for the Cultural Education Center, September 1988.
Virginia Krebs views a 1997 display commemorating the bond issue, for which she worked diligently.
Virginia Krebs and President Carlsen, date unknown.

Sleuthing Series — Moving in, Moving on

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

A daily occurrence! That’s what it is all about.

What We Know

  • As soon as classes were over in the spring of 1972, files, media, equipment and everything movable, was boxed and packed for the move to the new “College on the Boulevard!”
  • A major goal was to get everyone working at the new facility and to get everyone and everything connected and communicating.

What We Don’t Know

  • Do you know or have you heard accounts of adventures in moving offices, departments, labs, etc.?
  • Use the comments space below to let us know.  Get the conversation started!

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

A conveyor belt was used to load boxes through a second floor window on the east side of EMC (now LIB, the library building). August 1972
August 1972
August 1972
Rural scenery into the distance is the view across Quivira Rd. August 1972

New materials labeled and added to the inventory. August 1972
Matereials make their way to new spaces. August 1972
Matereials make their way to new spaces. August 1972
Clearly, some spaces are still under construction. Few people are out and about on campus. August 1972
In the midst of it all, the business of the college continues. August 1972
August 1972
The business to taking care of students continues. August 1972
Staff meetings are held in spaces available. August 1972
Some areas, clearly, still under construction. August 1972
Temporary walls to shelter office spaces. September 1972
Dedication of the new campus is being planned for September 24. September 1972
Still, others work where there is space. September 1972
PBX Operator connects calls across campus. October 1972
October 1972
Bill Hoffman. October 1972
Facilities in area high schools are used for special classes. October 1972
Other classes still seek space wherever it is available. October 1972
October 1972
October 1972
Finishing in COM continues. November 1972
Pulling of communications cables is a time consuming task, but a must, especially for Audio-Visual services. March 1973
March 1973
March 1973
March 1973
New computer equipment is unloaded. March 1973
March 1973

Sleuthing Series – Enrollment on the new JCCC campus

27JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

Director of Admissions. Linda Dayton, greets students at the first enrollment on the new JCCC campus.

What We Know

  • This photo and those below are dated August 17, 1972.
  • The first six buildings on the brand new campus were being readied for classes to begin within weeks.
  • In his history of JCCC, historian Charles Bishop notes (page 39) that “There was no electricity in the Admissions and Records offices, so Director of Admissions Linda Dayton and her staff used camp lanterns to register students at night, hand tallied enrollments during the day and then drove over to the old campus four or five times a day to enter the data into the computer.”

What We Don’t Know

  • Where, and in which building, is this located?
  • Besides Linda Dayton, who are the other people in this and the photos below?
  • What details are significant to students in how this process is different today?

If You Know More…

  • Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

During the fall 1972 enrollment, there was not, yet, any electricity in Admissions and Records offices.

Sleuthing Series — When We Were New

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

The Merriam campus, according to Charles Bishop, “… consisted of leased facilities ….”

What We Know

  • According to Charles Bishop’s history of the college, “The buildings consisted of the former Merriam Elementary School (that JCCC instructor Fred Krebs had attended as  child), five classrooms in the educational wing of Merriam Christian Church, several storefronts in downtown Merriam that bordered the railroad tracks, night-time usage of district high school classrooms and laboratories and also space at the Johnson County Airport  for the Aviation Institute.”
  • The Merriam Elementary Building later became the Irene B. French Community Center.
  • It was about a six-minute walk from the old Merriam Elementary School to the Merriam Christian Church.  Many facilities are identified below.
  • Some of the buildings where classes were held, such as the Shawnee Grade School, no longer stand.  That particular building stood on Johnson Drive, more than a mile west of Merriam Drive.
  • Quoting, again from Charles Bishop’s The Community’s College: a history of Johnson County Community College, 1969-1999:  “Nearly fourteen hundred students enrolled that first semester.  The full-time equivalent (F.T.E.) students numbered 925 ….”

What We Don’t Know

  • How many of these buildings still stand?  What are they, now?
  • How could a student build a schedule with any assurance that they could move to the next class in the allotted time?
  • Were you there?  Do you have any memories to share?

If You Know More…

  • Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

Merriam Elementary
Merriam Christian Chruch
At the right on Johnson Drive near the railroad tracks is a keystone shaped building that housed data processing classes. At one point, the book store was located here.
An old health food store, the third building north of Johnson Drive, was converted into the Art Department.
The sign, read “Temporary home of Johnson County Community College.” It was placed in front of the former Merriam Elementary School. Pres. Harris is handed the keys to Merriam Elementary School by Harold Lowe (sp?), Superintendent of Merriam Scools. Also pictured (L-R) are Board of Trustees members Wilbur Billington and O. Dale Smith; Merriam City Council members Garland McCormick (?) and Wayne Neal; and JCCC Deans, Bill Lozano, Donald Meyer and Al Cerne. The school housed classrooms and administration offices when JCCC opened its doors for the first time.


Map from the Spring 1972 class schedule.

One of many spaces leased for offices.  The sign indicates that this is a bookstore.
Interior of Merriam Elementary building.
Interior of Merriam Elementary building.
Interior of Merriam Elementary building.
The facilities in the Merriam Elementary building were created for 6 to 11-year-old children. This surely created challenges for college students and staff.
The doors open! September 4, 1969.

Sleuthing Series — Campus Traffic, Conversations, and Contemplation

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out m0re.

A time to stop, chat, and catch up with friends, somewhere on a shded sidewalk. Mid-campus, 1995.



What we Know…

  • When JCCC offices and staff moved to the new campus at 111th St. and Quivira Rd. in 1972, it was already a rural oasis.  As the campus grew, it became more urban and more attractive.  On lovely, temperate days, most folks simply found it difficult to stay inside.
  • These pictures show people out and about on campus.  They also show the development of campus outside spaces.

What We Don’t Know…

  • We don’t know exactly where all of these shots were taken, however, we can (and you can) look for little details that may start to bring the scene into focus.

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

People gather for the dedication of the new campus, September 24, 1972.
Tours of the new campus, August 30, 1972.
Looking West, toward GYM, walking between GEB and SCI. Not much of a hill to obscure the view, yet. August 1972.
June 1973.
You are looking to the SW, away from the center of campus. To the right is GYM. To the left is CSB. June 1973
In the center of campus, June 1973.  Young trees promise a future made in the shade.
“How about having class outside today?” Sitting in the shade of EMC (now LIB). To the north is open space. No OCB or CEC, yet. June 1973.
Other classes meeting outside, looking from the front of EMC, toward GEB, June 1973.
Class meeting outside GEB. Ahead, is open space, looking toward the SE. To the left is EMC and to the right is SCI. June 1973.
Looking to the west, the morning sun shines on those heading toward campus from the main parking area. August 1974.
August 1974.
Group picture, June 1975.
Dick Stein and the Debate team choose a sunny location to take a group shot with a few trophies and awards. June 1975.
August 1976.
Could this be the muse behind a noted sculpture now reclining in the Carlsen Center? April 1977.
April 1977.
Sculpture in progress. June 1978.
Sculpture still in progress. June 1978.
September 1978.
Man and dog, March 1979.
Looking East toward EMC, with GEB on the left and SCI on the right, March 1979.
Group shot, 1981.
Perhaps a deaf studies group. Do you see Arden McDowell? 1981.
1985. Always better with music.
South side of SCI, 1987.
Art on campus, 1989.
This photo, with caption, was found in the May 1989 issue of Transcript. “The Bitish visitors and their guests (sic – hosts) line up for a photo. Back row from left: Derek Gibbons, Matt Campbell, John Shipston; second row: Alan Smith, David Smetherham, Carolyn Kadel, Jan Kaiman, Barbara Phipps; front row: Richard Parker, Bob Burdick.
Moon over clocktower, with feathered friends, 1995.
1995  Looking under the walkway between SCI and GEB, we also see pieces of Galileo’s Garden in the forefront.


Better with music and food, 1996.

Sleuthing Series — Faculty and Staff Picnic

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

1.  Announcement of the first college picnic, held August 21st, 1972.

What We Know

  • The first “picnic” (of which we can find record) was held, off-campus, on August 21, 1972.  The next was September 21, 1973, in the same location.  Both were advertised as an “all college get acquainted picnic.”  Attendees were asked to bring their “whole family” and food was served.
  • According to newsletters, JCCC was designated the fourth largest community college in the state prior to the opening of classes in 1969.  By the same time in 1970, JCCC was designated as the largest community college in the state.   This brings us to the first question about “what we don’t know.”  (see below)
  • The next record of a picnic we find is “JCCC’s Annual Super Staff Picnic,” held Friday, August 22, 1980 in the College Commons Area.  Replies were to be sent to Betty Rush (administrative secretary), 113 GEB (President’s Office).  “Family and guests are welcome.”  As with the 1972 and 1973 picnics,  no photos have been identified.
  • There was an “old-fashioned” “All-Staff Picnic,” on Wednesday, August 17, 1983.  This announcement included a reply card to be sent to Staff Development.  Staff were allowed to bring unlimited family members.  Single staff could bring one guest.  The exact location was not mentioned in this announcement.
  • The next recorded Staff Picnic was on Friday, September 11, 1992, and the next was Friday, September 9, 1994.  After this, we have announcements of Staff Picnics every year, on a Friday evening, usually capping off orientation week.
  • ADDENDUM – We discovered some interesting slides from the first picnics!  They have been added as the first seven images below.

What We Don’t Know

  • Were these always strictly for faculty and staff, or were students (even the community) also welcome to attend?  After all, this was already the largest community college in the state?
  • According to Charles Bishop, the Office of Staff Development was not organized until 1983.  Who actually organized the first picnics?
  • Do you have any announcements or photos for picnics in the 1970s and 1980s (other than those mentioned here)?  If Archives doesn’t have them, it is because no one thought to donate them?
  • What is the most humerous or enjoyable picnic event you remember?
  • Did you meet anyone for the first time at one of these picnics and still know them as a friend or colleague today?
  • Do you have a picnic memory you want to share?

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

2.  Staff picnic, 1970. Kathleen McKinzie (later Xidis) is on the left, in red.
3.  Staff picnic food line, 1971.
4.  Staff picnic, 1971. Carl Snead, speaking.
5.  Staff picnic, 1971. Volleyball game.
6.  Staff picnic, 1971. Bill Lozano playing volleyball.
7.  Staff picnic, 1971. Sack race.
8.  Staff picnic, 1971. Bill Lozano.
9.  1980
10.  1991
11.  1991
12.  1991 – Sonny Maynard on base.
13.  1991
14.  1991
15.  1991
16.  1991
17.  1991
18.  1995
19.  1995
20.  1995
21.  Speer Saddle Exhibit, 1995
22.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
23.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
24.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
25.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
26.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
27.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
28.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997. Jane Corder, Administrative Assistant in Emergency Medical Science reminds attendees of a fun activity for the evening.
29.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
30.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
31.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
32.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
33.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
34.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
35.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
36.  Fab 50s/60s, 1997
37.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
38.  Good Ole Days, September 2001.  Faye Martin’s 7-year-0ld twin daughters ready to race.  Rachel Martin in the gunny sack and Emily Martin next to her.
39.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
40.  Good Ole Days, September 2001 – Dane Lonborg
41.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
42.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
43.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
44.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
45.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
46.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
47.  Good Ole Days, September 2001
48.  Good Ole Days, September 2001.  On the left is Yetbarek Daniel Woldetsadik. son of Daniel A. Woldetsadik.  On the right is Misgana Habtamu Kelecha, son of Habtamu Oda.  Both of the fathers owrk in Housekeeping.  Yetbarek is currently serving in the US Navy.  Misgana is currently a student at KU studying Information Technology.  Information is per Habtamu Oda.

Sleuthing Series — Community Education, Continuing Education

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

Elderhostel group 1994

What We Know

  • “At national adult education meetings, community services was defined as whatever your community and your college need to do in community education.  Continuing education was separate at the college – Dane Lonborg started that while we were in Merriam.  Community services was considered community outreach for special needs; continuing education was teaching people skills and general information.” — Virginia Krebs from Visionary Voices, 1994.
  • “We started doing cultural things, as programs and space were available.  We began community forums ….  People would call me with program ideas.” — Virginia Krebs from Visionary Voices, 1994.
  • Basically, a thread runs through the college that is characterized both by growth and a very defined sense of purpose: to serve as many people as we can in this community and provide very high-quality education on a lifelong basis.  This community college has made tangible the concept of lifelong learning.  It is never too late to get involved.” — Fred Krebs from Visionary Voices, 1994.

What We Don’t Know

  • We need as much information as you can supply regarding the following images, which may or may not be community or continuing education.
  • Did you have any favorite topics we missed?

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

October 1972
October 1972
October 1972
October 1972
Speed reading, October 1972
October 1972
Tayloring, October 1972
March 1973
June 1974
October 1974
October 1974
November 1974
December 1974
December 1974
February 1977
November 1977
November 1977
November 1977
November 1977
March 1979
March 1979
Elderhostel 1993
Elderhostel 1993
Elderhostel 1993


Sleuthing Series — Fool Con

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

What We Know

  • In his history of JCCC, The Community’s College, Charles Bishop states, “Between 1978 and 1983, the [Sword and Shield] club and Student Activities co-sponsored Fool-Con, a national convention of sci-fi enthusiasts that drew over 1,325 people to JCCC in 1982.”  He also noted that Sword and Shield Club was “a science fiction and fantasy society sponsored by then Student Activities Director Jonathan Bacon.”
  • A 1979 announcement reads: “Join us on April Fool’s weekend just outside Kansas City in a Galaxy Far, Far Away …. Comics, science fiction, fantasy related items, films, nostalgia and fun!”
  • Fool-Con III (1980) and later were billed as  “Home of the Balrog Award.”    Official rules for the award and revisions are accessible in the College Archives.  The April 11, 1980 issue of the Campus Ledger notes that the 381 Balrog ballots recieved for that year represented 40 states and the District of Columbia, as well as Italy, Canada, Japan, Korea, Belgium and the United Kingdom.
  • Fool-Con VI in 1983 was the last held.

What We Don’t Know

  • The first Fool Con was supposed to have taken place in the spring of 1978, but we are still looking for proof.  Do you remember the exact dates?  The College Ledger did not begin publishing on campus until the fall of that year.
  • Did you save a poster?
  • Do you have any pictures?

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

Fool Con II (1979) — not everyone loved it.
Jonathan Bacon and … Is that a Balrog? 1980
Spring 1981. Many favorite Sci Fi/Fantasy authors autographing copies of books.
Anne McCaffrey, one of the most popular fantasy writers of the 1970s.  (1980)

Lynn Abbey, computer programmer and fantasy writer. (1981)

Jonathan Bacon, Fool Con IV, 1981.
Artwork for Fool Con V poster.
Framed poster on display in the College Archives.

Fool Con VI, 1983
Lynn Abbey, 1983



Sleuthing Series — Summer Youth Programs

JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

Wrestling, Summer 1974

What We Know

  • The first fliers for youth summer sports clinics in our Archives files are from 1974, but the photos tell a different story.
  • Youth summer enrichment programs are in the non-credit listings as early as 1970, however, these programs were through Johnson County Libraries.
  • By 1974 youth sports clinics were securely under Community Education, later Continuing Education.
  • The first youth enrichment program fliers in our Archives files appeared in 1986.

What We Don’t Know

  • We are unable to pinpoint exact dates in the development of these programs.

If You Know More…

Contact  librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (, ext. 4369) or John Russell (, ext. 3284).  You may also comment below!

For More Information…

Summer 1973
Summer 1973
Summer 1973
Summer 1973
Summer 1974
Summer 1974
Summer 1974
Summer 1974
Summer 1975
Summer 1975
Summer 1976
Summer 1976
Summer 1977
Summer 1978
Summer 1981

Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1983
Summer 1988
Summer 1988
Summer 1988
Summer 1988
Summer 1988
Summer 1988
Summer 1991
Summer 1993
Conditioning, Summer 1994
Conditioning, Summer 1995
Summer 1995
Summer 1996