Apr 172018

I was an HR leader for a long time. I hired thousands of people, and I noticed some striking things about the recruiting process.

I noticed that a small percentage of the job candidates stood out — for all the right reasons. These folks didn’t have better educational backgrounds than other candidates. They weren’t better-connected than other people, and they didn’t have fancier ex-employer brands on their resumes.

They had something else going for them. The outstanding job candidates we met were well-prepared for the interview and they knew their own abilities — and that combination got them the job!

Most job candidates, if we are honest, don’t do a great job of preparing for a job interview. They miss their golden opportunity to orient themselves to the company and the opportunity before they arrive at the employer’s facility.

Then, they tend to disappear into the chair and leave almost no impression on the interviewer. What a shame!

You can be one of those candidates who leaves interviewers thinking “Wow, how do we get this awesome person on our team?”

Here’s how!

Ten Things Outstanding Job Candidates Do Differently

  1. Outstanding job candidates research every employer carefully before a job interview. They might spend two or three hours researching a firm before each interview, but that time investment is worth it!
  2. Outstanding candidates compose insightful questions informed by their research, past experience and knowledge of the business world. So-so candidates ask wan, boilerplate questions that show the interviewer they really don’t know anything about the company.
  3. Outstanding candidates put themselves mentally into the job and also take the hiring manager’s perspective. They walk into the interview anticipating some of the problems their prospective new boss is likely to be facing — and they’ve already imagined possible solutions to those problems. Less-well-prepared candidates come to the interview without thinking through the opportunity — a big mistake!
  4. Outstanding candidates are meticulous in their communication before and after the interview. They respond to email and voicemail messages within a business day. If they are unclear about anything — what to wear to the interview, for instance — they ask questions. They use “please” and “thank you” in their correspondence, which is free of typos and misspellings.
  5. Outstanding candidates remember what they heard at previous interviews, and integrate that learning as the interview process moves along. It’s disheartening as a hiring manager  to meet a fantastic candidate who gives a tremendous first interview — and then forgets everything you told them about the job by their second interview! You find yourself repeating the basic details about the role that you explained in depth just a week ago — and realizing with dismay that the candidate in front of you cannot possibly be your next, best new hire.
  6. Outstanding candidates don’t answer interview questions with off-the-cuff, thoughtless answers. If a managers asks “What interests you about this role?” they don’t say “Well, it’s an Office Manager job, and I’m an Office Manager.” They go deeper. An outstanding candidate might say “I was browsing LinkedIn and I noticed that three people in my extended network used to be Office Managers at this company, and they all got promoted to different positions. I like Office Management, but I also love the idea of trying something new and I like the fact that your company encourages that.”
  7. Outstanding candidates know what they bring to the talent market. They do not approach a job interview as an oral exam or an opportunity to  beg for the job. They are not afraid to share their opinions. They don’t come to an interview to play the part of the Good Little Job Seeker — they come as themselves!
  8. Outstanding candidates follow up after the interview with a smart, thoughtful thank-you note sent via post or email. Their follow-up note extends the interview conversation and keeps the candidate top of mind for the interviewer. A well-written thank you note can make the difference between getting a job offer or not getting it — so why not invest a few minutes in sealing the deal?
  9. Outstanding candidates are ready to talk about job offer specifics when the question “What would it take to get you on board?” comes up. They don’t beat around the bush. They say “I’m looking for a starting salary of fifty thousand and three weeks of vacation.” They are ready to negotiate the way any business person would. They know their value and aren’t afraid to say so!
  10. Finally, outstanding candidates don’t worry if an interviewer doesn’t like their brand of jazz. Why try to convince someone to hire you if that person doesn’t appreciate your talent? Outstanding job candidates are ready to leave an interview if they’re treated as badly — something that, sadly, every job-seeker needs to be ready for. They don’t get down on themselves if they don’t get an offer for a job they know they could perform in their sleep. Outstanding candidates — including you — know that only the people who get them, deserve them!

Reprinted from: Forbes – https://www.forbes.com – 7.14.17

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