JCCC Archives presents the Sleuthing Series, where every Tuesday, we bring you an image from our past and ask you to help us find out more!

What We Know
Now, the fiftieth fall semester of Johnson County Community College is coming to a close. The days are growing shorter and colder. It is time to sit back and consider before we gather strength for new semesters, new students, new experiences, new connections.
This is the last scheduled Sleuthing Series posting. As long as it is up, you will be able to travel back to the older postings.
The Sleuthing Series was created to:
+Introduce the early history of JCCC.
+Create interest for the anniversary celebrations.
+Get images out to people who might recognize people, places, activities.
+Introduce common types of original sources collected by the JCCC Archives and show how these may be used.
+Look at the roots of ideas and how they grew.
The images shown are fairly raw, mostly uncropped, some significantly damaged. Nevertheless, they show real people and real situations. I did not cover every detail of any issue. Thanks to those who took the time to contact us, to give viewpoints and added information. That was my hope. It is our JCCC, our family history.
What we Don’t Know
Are there any subjects that really need to be covered?
If You Know More…
Contact librarians: Anita Gordon Gilmore (agordong@jccc.edu, ext. 4369) or John Russell (jrussell@jccc.edu, ext. 3284). You may also comment below!
For More Information…