A Match Made in Heaven!

Attendance is up, people are spreading the word about the exhibition and bringing their friends!  As we welcome more people to the museum, we are adding more resources and options for engagement.

Just this last 2 weeks we’ve hosted groups from local middle and high schools, homeschoolers, the National Museum of Women in the Arts, numerous JCCC classes and the JCCC student sustainability committee to name only the folks who attended guided tours (and in spite of the snow days!)

Middle school student fashion design, inspired by tour

We’re looking forward to announcing more activities and resources soon.

As was announced at the talk on Feb 6, there was a review in Vogue magazine here

And mark your calendar, if you are a fan of fashion and wish to support JCCC Fashion students, there is the annual student fashion show coming up Friday, April 18


We’re gearing up for a BIG exhibition!

It’s been a hive of activity at the museum since we re-opened Jan 2. There have been hundreds of pedestals being built, floating shelves installed, giant paintings hung, mannequins assembled and dressed, and so much more (including a wall being moved from inside the gallery to out in the lobby). It is impossible to express in words just how packed with creativity this show is going to be! On our exhibition page

Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the opening talk Feb 6th: Katherine Bernhardt x Jeremy Scott Artists Talk | Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art

Perhaps, like me, you hadn’t heard of Jeremy Scott or Katherine Bernhardt before. Here is a brief bio page for them both to get started:

1-pager JS+KB

A documentary about Jeremy: Jeremy Scott: The People’s Designer – Wikipedia Jeremy Scott and Katie Perry at MET Gala (NY Times)

About the chandelier dress: Katie Perry Chandelier Dress (Vogue)

A recap (with images) of some of the most exciting designs Jeremy made during his tenure at Moschino: Jeremy Scott’s designs 2013-2023 (Business Insider)

Katherine’s gallery:

Katherine Bernhardt at David Zwirner Gallery

An interesting article about her home: Katherine Bernhardt’s amazing home (T-magazine)

A video of her discussing her work and process: Katherine Bernhardt (Apartmento Magazine)

Interview with Katherine in St. Louis Magazine: Both written and audio interview

More info and images to come!


Gabriel Mills: Aunechei

Gabriel Mill’s exhibition at the Nerman Museum features large scale abstract works in the Oppenheimer New Media gallery, though they do not feature new media but one of the oldest media – oil paint. Read about Gabriel’s thoughts on how his work relates to the long history of painting in an interview:


And more about his process here:

Gabriel Mills: TIDSOPTIMIST | Micki Meng (friendsindeed.art)

The museum is so excited not only to be hosting this exhibition but also to have a work by Mills in the permanent collection. We were able to pull Gabriel aside to discuss this work specifically, Thira. Listen here:

Audio Player

We also have bookmarks now available with an image of Thira to give to visitors!


Audio of Jason Andrew discussing Elizabeth Murray

If you missed seeing Jason Andrew, manager and curator of the Estate of Elizabeth Murray, speak about her work here at the Nerman Museum Landing on March 23rd, here is an audio recording of the gallery talk (this was on Instagram Live, recorded in the galleries, so the audio is a little echo-y)!

Audio Player

And a transcript of the talk here: Jason Andrew discusses Elizabeth Murray (PDF)

Jason Andrew has lectured, curated, and published extensively on the work and life of Elizabeth Murray. Andrew is the Founding Partner at Artist Estate Studio, LLC, the entity that services the studios of artists and the estates of artists in the management, cataloguing, and promotion of their art and the stewardship of their legacies. Much of his work is the re-discovery of under-recognized artists and the contextualization of their work. He is the founder of the non-profit Norte Maar, now celebrating 20 years, and is the co-owner of the Ausable Theater.

Image credits:

Jason Andrew – Photo: @rosscollab

Artwork: Elizabeth Murray, Landing, 1999, Oil on canvas, 115 x 138″, Collection Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art, Gift of JCCC Gallery Associates