One last summer post

When I was a kid I always looked forward to summer because I attended a camp for Girl Scouts. It was loads of fun. We slept in tents, paddled around in canoes, swam, played games and made s’mores every evening. This past week I attended the assessment version of summer camp in Milwaukee. We didn’t sleep in tents and there were no s’mores, but I had a great experience at the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AAHLE) annual meeting. I heard great speakers both in the plenary and breakout sessions at the conference. In the breakouts I learned I was not alone, picked up lots of great ideas to implement on my campus, and made connections with other assessment professionals. I have to give a shout out to two plenary sessions in particular, the first plenary speaker was Thomas J. Chapel from the Centers for Disease (CDC). His address “Potholes on the Road to Good Monitoring Continue reading One last summer post